Set 9 Flashcards
- 0PGP03-ZR-0044 Contamination Control Program*
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What contamination levels are present in a contaminated area and a high contamination area?
- Contaminated Area:*
- *≥ 1,000 dpm/100cm2 beta/gamma**
≥ 20 dpm/100cm2 alpha
- High Contamination Area:*
- *≥ 100,000 dpm/100cm2 beta/gamma**
≥ 1,000 dpm/100cm2 alpha
- 0PGP03-ZR-0050 Radiation Protection Program*
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What are the AAL radiation exposure limits?
- TEDE:*
- *2 R/year**
- Shallow Dose:*
- *40 R/year**
- Lifetime:*
- *N Rem (N=Age)**
No AAL for eyes b/c TEDE covers your eyes.
- 0PGP03-ZR-0050 Radiation Protection Program*
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If your total extended lifetime TEDE is extended past the limit, whose approval is required?
< 1 R Past Limit:
RP Manager
Dept Manager
Plant Manager
Your Manager
> 1 R Past Limit:
(Same as < 1 R Past Limit)
Senior Management Team Member
- 0PGP03-ZA-0098 Station Housekeeping*
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Who approves exemptions for station housekeeping?
Plant Manager
- 0PGP03-ZR-0051 Radiological Access / Work Controls*
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How you determine the dose rate received from a point source and a line source?
- Point Source:*
- *DR1(D1)2 = DR2(D2)2**
- Line Source:*
- *< L/2 → DR1(D1) = DR2(D2)**
- *> L/2 → DR1(D1)2 = DR2(D2)**<strong>2</strong>
- (Point Source Equation)*
- 0PGP03-ZR-0050 Radiation Protection Program*
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What are the NRC exposure limits?
- TEDE:*
- *5 R/year**
- Eyes:*
- *15 R/year**
- Everything Else:*
- *50 R/year**
- 0PGP03-ZR-0050 Radiation Protection Program*
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What must be done if a woman declares herself pregnant?
Restrict RCA Access
Issue new TLD
Figure out dose since conception
Woman, HR, and RP manager agree on new limit
Limit is < 450 mrem/pregnancy
If ≥ 450 mrem since conception, then limit is 50 mrem for the rest of the pregnancy.
NRC limit is 500 mrem/pregnancy
- 0PGP03-ZR-0050 Radiation Protection Program*
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Who has the authority to lift a Health Physics Stop Work Order?
Plant Manager
RP Manager
- 0PGP03-ZA-0098 Station Housekeeping*
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Who cleans up oil and cleans rotating equipment?
- Survey Maps*
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What do the following symbols mean on a survey map?

- Circle:*
- *Smear**
- Triangle:*
- *Air Sample**
- Rhombus:*
- *Large area wipe**
- Number by itself is a general area reading (<2.5)
- *120/3.5 means 120 on contact and 3.5 @ 30 cm
- 0PGP03-ZR-0051 Radiological Access / Work Controls*
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What is the maximum yearly dose that a visitor that is not qualified for unescorted access to the RCA can obtain?
- *75 mrem TEDE**
- Working Visitor*
- *10 mrem TEDE**
- Non-Working Visitor*
- 0PGP03-ZA-0098 Station Housekeeping*
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In order to eat or drink in a house keeping area, what must the area be zoned as?
Zone V
Zone IV is the same except no eating or drinking allowed in Zone IV. (MAB, FHB, ECW, etc.)
Zone I is the highest degree of cleanliness (Clean room)
- 0PGP03-ZA-0098 Station Housekeeping*
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If an item is stored in a seismic II/I area, what must be done?
Tie the item down securely
Seismic II/I area: Class II component can affect a class I component during an earthquake.
- 0PGP03-ZR-0050 Radiation Protection Program*
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If your AAL TEDE is extended past 2 R/year, whose approval is required?
2 R - 3 R:
RP Manager
Individual’s Manager
3 R - 4 R:
(Same as 2 R - 3 R)
Plant Manager
4 R - 5 R:
(Same as 3 R - 4 R)
Senior Management Team Member
Powerpoint had 1.5 R/year as the limit but ZR-50 has 2R/year.
- 0PGP03-ZR-0051 Radiological Access / Work Controls*
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When must an area be posted a radiation area, high radiation area, locked high radiation area, and a very high radiation area?
- Radiation Area:*
- *≥ 5 mR/hr @ 30 cm → < 100 mR/hr @ 30 cm**
- High Radiation Area:*
- *≥ 100 mR/hr @ 30 cm → < 1000 mR/hr @ 30 cm**
- Locked High Radiation Area:*
- *≥ 1000 mR/hr @ 30 cm → < 500 Rads/hr @ 1 m**
- Very High Radiation Area:*
- *≥ 500 Rads/hr @ 1 m**
- 0PGP03-ZA-0098 Station Housekeeping*
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How many drains in the RCA may be taped up for your work area?
≤ 1 drain at a time
Do not leave unattended.
If done long term, do a T-MOD