Set 1 Flashcards
- 0PGP03-ZO-0046 RCS Leakage Monitoring*
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What must be done for each of the action levels?
Action Level 1:
Action Level 2:
MAB Walkdowns
Off Hours notification for Duty Ops Manager
Action Level 3:
MAB / RCB Walkdowns
HP Surveys / SG Samples
Off Hours notification for everyone
- 0PGP03-ZO-0046 RCS Leakage Monitoring*
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Who performs the necessary notifications for 0PGP-ZO-0046 RCS Leakage Monitoring?
Shift Manager
- 0PGP03-ZO-0046 RCS Leakage Monitoring*
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When can RCS Leakage action levels be exited?
Enhanced Unidentified Leak Rate Program indicates exit from the Action Level
Entry into Mode 5
Directed the procedure.

- 0PGP03-ZO-0041 Primary to Secondary Leakage*
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What puts you in action level 2 for primary to secondary leakage?
- Leakage from 1 S/G:*
- *75 gpd - 150 gpd**
Monitor CARS / BD every 10 min and N-16 every 15 mins.
If > 75 gpm for ≥ 1 hr:
- Go to POP04-RC-0004 (SG Tube Leakage)
- Be in MODE 3 [24 hrs]
- Time starts when ≥ 75 gpd first indicated
- 0PGP03-ZO-0041 Primary to Secondary Leakage*
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What puts you in action level 1 for primary to secondary leakage?
- Total Leak Rate (All 4 S/Gs):*
- *≥ 30 gpd**
Monitor CARS / BD every 10 mins and N-16 every 15 mins
- 0PGP03-ZO-0041 Primary to Secondary Leakage*
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What puts you in action level 3 for primary to secondary leakage?
Leakage from 1 S/G:
- Condition 1:*
- *≥ 75 gpd and ↑ 30 gpd/hr**
- Not required be entered for spikes*
- Condition 2:*
- *≥ 75 gpd w/ loss of radiation monitors**
- May terminate S/D if Rad monitors restored and < 75 gpd*
- Condition 3:*
- *> 150 gpd**
- Must be entered for spikes*
- Go to POP04-RC-0004 (SG Tube Leakage)
- Condition 1 OR 2: ↓50% [1 hr] and Be in MODE 3 [Following 2 hrs]
- Condition 3: Be in MODE 3 [6 hrs]
- 0PGP03-ZO-0041 Primary to Secondary Leakage*
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What puts you in increased monitoring for primary to secondary leakage?
- Total Leak Rate (All 4 S/Gs):*
- *≥ 5 gpd and < 30 gpd**
Monitor CARS / BD / N-16 every 12 hrs
≤ 10% rise in 24 hrs, return to normal monitoring.
- 0PGP03-ZO-0046 RCS Leakage Monitoring*
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What is the definition of the Rx Coolant System Boundary (RCSB)?
Pressure containing components of the RCS including:
- *2nd of two valves normally closed during at power operations**
- Does not penetrate the RCB*
RCS Safeties
- 0PGP03-ZO-0046 RCS Leakage Monitoring*
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What are the action levels for unidentified leakage?
Absolute Leak Rate:
- Action Level 1:*
- *7 Day (Rolling Average) > 0.1 gpm**
- Action Level 2:*
- *2 Days (Consecutive) > 0.15 gpm**
- Action Level 3:*
- *1 Day > 0.3 gpm**
- LCO*
- *> 1.0 gpm**
Baseline Deviation:
- Action Level 1:*
- *9 Days (Consecutive) > Baseline Mean**
- Action Level 2:*
- *2 of last 3 Days > Baseline Mean + 2 Standard Deviations**
- Action Level 3:*
- *1 Day > Baseline Mean + 3 Standard Deviations**

- 0PGP03-ZO-0046 RCS Leakage Monitoring*
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What are the action levels for identified leakage?
- Action Level 1:*
- *≥ 3.0 gpm - < 5.0 gpm**
- Action Level 2:*
- *≥ 5.0 gpm**
- Action Level 3:*
- *Expected to exceed 10 gpm within 24 hrs**
- LCO*
- *> 10.0 gpm**

- 0PGP03-ZO-0046 RCS Leakage Monitoring*
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What should be done if a RCS leakage calculation was performed the test results are suspect?
Redo the Test
If the 2nd test confirms the 1st test’s results, then the action level entry time shall be the time of the 1st test’s results.
- 0PGP03-ZO-0046 RCS Leakage Monitoring*
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When is Form 1 (Leakage Log) entered?
- *Any time unidentified leakage changes by 0.2 gpm**
- Increasing or Decreasing*

- 0PGP03-ZO-0041 Primary to Secondary Leakage*
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When are the N-16 monitors available to detect primary-to-secondary leakage?
>25% power
- Between 20% and 25% the N-16 monitors are unreliable.
- < 20% the N-16 monitors do not function.
- 0PAP01-ZA-0102 Plant Procedures*
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Who’s approval is required to perform a field change to a procedure?