service delievery Flashcards
What did TItle VI Civil Rights act of 1964 say?
that no one can be excluded from an activity receiving federal financial assistance.
This act provides programs for older americans
The older american act
This act requires each state to
- create an agency to investigate allegations of child abuse
- create a reporting system
- create a law protecting children from abuse
the child abuse prevention and treatment act of 1974
This act protects the privacy of education records
The family Educational rights and privacy act
This act gives American Indian nations jurisdiction over child welfare cases that involve a native american child.
Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978
This act focuses on nursing homes and also merged 89 social service programs into 7 block grants.
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
This act set up JOBS so that welfare recipients can become employed.
The family support Act of 1988
This act allows employees to take 12 weeks of unpaid job leave.
This act allows foster children to be placed with parents of a different racial/ethnic group.
Multi-ethnic Placement Act and the Removal of Barriers to Inter-ethnic Adoption.
This act is to develop and strengthen law enforcement and prosecution strategies and to develop and strengthen services for women victims of violent crimes
The violence against woman act and Title IV of the violent crime control and law enforcement act.
This act guarantees a free, appropriate public education emphasizing special education services.
education for handicapped children act
TH=his act assures equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living and economic self sufficiency for individuals. It protects from discrimination in these areas: employment, access to public services, access to transportation and telecommunication
The Americans with disabilities act
a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities or a person who has a record of such an impairment or a person who is regarded as having such an impairment
True or False: The employer must give preference to a qualified individual with a disability.
False: the most qualified individual may be selected for the job
True or False: It is up to the Feds to determine medical eligibility of patients for SSI
False: it is up to the state
If someone has never worked what SS can they receive?
Are their income limits for SSD?
No, it is based on their lifetime earnings.