Direct and Indirect Practice/Psychotherapy and Clinical Practice Flashcards
What are the 7 steps to the Problem-solving process
Engagement Gather information assessing/diagnosis goal setting intervention evaluation termination
What are the 6 stages of the referral process
- clarifying need or purpose
- Researching resources
- Discussing and selecting options with client
- Planning for the initial contact
- Initial contact between client and referral source.
- Follow up to see if need was met.
The dynamic interaction of the components and the interaction among the parts of the system.
systems theory (social casework model)
steady state order necessary for movement
intake from environement
amount of something produced and put out into the environement
processing the input/using
no energy form the outside, using up its own energy and expiring
counteracting entropy, successful use of available energy
negative entropy
capacity to receive identical results from different initial condition
when output from systems is put back into the system
This theory focuses on the inter relatedness between people and their environment. It is holistic and transaction and looks at the “degree of fit” between person and environment
Egological/Life Systems Model
social casework model
the ongoing circular exchange with his/her environment in with both are acted upon and influenced by the other in an ongoing relationship
transnational relationship
this theory focuses on the interface between client and client’s environement
Ecological/Life Systems Theory
social casework model
goodness of fit with the environment; the balance between individual’s rights, needs, goals, with their social and physical environment. It is a continuous process
status occupied by an individual or group within a given social system
and individual’s physical and social setting
environmental demand perceived as challenge and associated wtih positive feelings
positive stress
discrepancy between demand and capacity for coping with it and associated with negative feelings
negative stress
psychological, physiological, and behavioral response that is set in motion as a result of the experience of emotional stress. Effective patterns lead to elimination of stress
This theory is based on growth residing with the center of change in the client. “helping” rather than treating, uses structure, de-emphasize diagnosis Client and clinician enter the relationship with lack of knowledge about how it will turn out. They discover it together.
Functional approach (social casework model)
This theory has a defined time, uses interventions from learning theory and behavior modification to complete a task (assess, set goals, define tasks). It’s aim is to engage clients in problem-solving process (as long as they are willing) explore the problem and circumstances around the problem than to id specific tasks to focus on resolving the problem
planned short-term or task centered treatment
social casework model
This approach looks at why a person is having difficulty coping with a problem give them motivation by minimizing anxiety and fears and promoting their capacities for coping all the while providing opportunities and resources. (Person, problem, place, process)
Problem Solving Approach
social casework model
This approach looks at the client in context of interactions and transactions with external world. a formal medical, psychological and social history is obtained
Psycho social Approach
social casework model
This theory sees people as a product of their past and involves dealing with repressed material in the unconscious.
psychoanalytic theory (psychodynamic model)
unconscious source of motive and drives, immediate gratification
logic and reason, mediates between id, superego, reality
incorporates societal values and standards into personality
early years of childhood is extremely important in personality develeopment
genetic principle
trys to understand the individual in terms of conflicts between id, ego, superego (unresolved conflict creates anxiety)
dynamic principle
3 layers of mental activity; unconscious, precociousness, conscious
structural model
functioning of mind and ideas are not random; all thoughts, feelings, behaviors are believed to be related to prior experience and ecents
behavior/thoughts.attitude are viewed as acceptable and consistent with total personality
ego syntonic
behavior/thoughts/attitude are viewed as repugnant or inconsistent with total personality
ego dystonic
investment of energy
libidinal energy is invested in a different organ system at each stage
stages of psycho sexual development
oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
the primary technique of __________ psychotherapy is analysis
To get through a stage one has to go through 4 processes
- clarification 2. confrontation 3 interpretation 4 working through goal to resolve intrapsychic conflict
The focus of this theory is on rational, conscious processes of the ego and develops personality throughout the life cycle. It is based on the person in the present (here and now)
ego psychology
Erik Erikson
The goal of this theory is to maintain and enhance the ego’s control and management of reality stress and effects
ego psychology
This theory believes that individuals have a single drive/motivation behind all their behavior and that motivation is “striving for perfection”.
individual psychology
Alfred Adler
When children experience a sense of perceived or real weakness, they develop ____________________ for which they compensate adaptively (working hard to become good at something else) or maladaptively (overcompensate by striving for superiority and power over others)
Feelings of inferiority
This idea result of disrupted or unmet developmental needs and defines the self as the central organizing and motivating force in personality. It is used to help an individual develop a greater sense of self cohesion. Through therapeutic regression the patient re-experiences frustrated self object needs
self psychology (psychodynamic model)
This theory’s main desire is to belong and feel significant. This is done by developing a lifestyle by overcoming feelings of inferiority and self-centeredness to contribute more towards the welfare of others.
individual psychology
Alfred Adler
If we are encouraged we feel capable and appreciative and act in a connected way. When discouraged we act in an unhealthy way by competing and withdrawing
individual psychology
Alfred Adler
This can be determined by early life factors such as birth order and being either pampered or neglected by parents
one person copies another person, validates the child’s sense of a perfect self (how to cope with reality)
Kohut self psychology
person attributes exaggeratedly positive qualities to the self or others (healthy narcissism)
Kohut self psychology
______ are external objects that function as part of the “self machinery” - ‘i.e., objects which are not experienced as separate and independent from the self.’[13] They are persons, objects or activities that “complete” the self, and which are necessary for normal functioning.
Self Objects
Mirroring, idealization, twinship
Kohut self psychology
child needs an alter ego for a sense of belonging
Alter Ego/Twinship:
the goal of this therapy is to provide the opportunity to develop a sense of self where they can realize how their attitudes, feelings and behavior are being negatively affected.
rogerian counseling/person or client centered therapy
humanistic/existential models