sensation and perception Flashcards

To perceive together is my new experience one of your senses through another cents for one type of simulation evokes the sensation of another
Sensation detection
Our senses collect information from the environment and convert it to a Nuro sign that can travel to the brain
The transformation of stimulus energy to electro chemical energy of neural impulses
Organizing and interpreting sensory information
Bottom up processing
sensation to the brain to the perception
Entry level sensation requires no prior knowledge or work
Top down processing
From perception starting with larger objects before working towards detailed information
Perceptual sad
Construction perceptions based on experience and expectations which is predisposition to perceive things in a certain way
Psycho physics
Study of how the physical characteristics of stimuli relate to our physiological experience
weber and fechner 
Absolute threshold
Minimum stimulus that can be detected 50% of the time
Signal detection theory
no absolute threshold detection depends partly on a persons experience expectations motivation and level fatigue
when stimulus are below one’s absolute threshold for conscious awareness
Difference threshold
The amount something must be changed in order for a difference to be noticeable at least half the time
Webers law
The principle that to be perceived as different to stimuli must differ by constant minimum percentage
Sensory adaptation
reduction in sensitivity to a stimulus after constant exposure to it
Selective attention
Are conscious awareness on a particular stimulus by simultaneously suppressing irrelevant or distracting information
Divided attention
Occurs when mental focus is on multiple tasks or ideas at once
intentional blindness
when I focused is directed at one stimulus leaving us blind to other stimulus
Change blindness
The Tennessee people have to miss changes in their immediate visual environment
Cocktail party effect
ability to focus on a particular sound low partial filtering out other sounds
The dominant sense
helps focus light for clarity
The adjustable opening in the center of the eye
Muscle tissue that forms the color portion of the eye around the pupil and controls the size of the pupil opening
Center of right now compromised of cones that see color and clarity
Photo receptors
Convert light into electro chemical neural impulses
Concentrated in the center of retina color and clarity
Black and white with night vision motion detection and peripheral vision
Bipolar cells
Located between photo receptor cells and ganglion cells work to transfer visual information
Ganglion cells
Converge to form the optic nerve sending information to the
Optic nerve
The nerve that carries neural impulses from the eye to the brain visual information is sent to the occipital lobe at the back of the brain for processing
The point at which the optic nerve leaves that I creating a blind spot because no receptor cells are located there
eyes have rapid movement from side to side to help fill in missing information created by the Blindspot
young-helmholtz trichromatic theory
There are three receptors in the retina responsible for the perception of color
Color deficient vision
Simply like functioning red or green sensitive cones or both
Opponent process theory
retinal processes only occur in three sets of opponents
Cells can only detect the presence of one color at a time because the two colors oppose one another