learning Flashcards
any relatively permanent change in behavior brought about by experience or practice
psychology should be the scientific study of observable behavior
all learning occurs through interactions with the environment
ivan pavlov
russian physiologists whose studies on digestion accidentally led to the discovery of the learning process known as classical conditioning
classical conditioning
pavlov noticed that dogs salivated when seeing food
pavlov designed a series of experiments where he used sounds to condition the salivation response in dogs
dogs associated sound of buzzer with eating
neutral stimulus
produces no effect until paired with an unconditioned stimulus
unconditioned stimulus
stimulus that triggers an automatic response
unconditioned response
unlearned response that occurs naturally in reaction to unconditioned stimulus
conditioned stimulus
previously neutral stimulus that after becoming associated with the unconditioned stimulus eventually triggers a conditioned response
conditioned response
learned response to previously nuestras stimulus
will only occur after an association has been made
initial stage of learning a response is first established and gradually strengthened
after association is made, subject will emit response to it
higher order conditioning
a procedure where conditioned stimulus is paired with new neutral stimulus making a new weaker conditioned stimulus
the occurrences of a conditioned response decreased or disappears, when a conditioned stimulus is jo longer paired with an unconditioned stimulus
spontaneous recovery
refers to the return of a previously extinguished conditioned response following a test period
research found with repeated extinction/recovery cycles
Stimulus generalization
The tendency for conditioned stimulus to evoke similar responses after response has been conditioned
Stimulus discrimination
The ability to differentiate between a condition stimulus and other stimulus that have not been paired with an unconditioned stimulus
Watsons a little Albert experiment
controversial classic conditioning experiment on an infant boy called a little Albert Watson was interested in examining the effects of conditioning on fear response in humans
Child initially show no fear of white rat but after rat was paired with sound child cried when rat was present
Taste aversion
The avoidance of a certain food following a period of illness after consuming food
Biological preparedness
Some associations form more readily because they aid in survival
Edward Thorndike slaw the fact
Actions that are followed by desirable outcomes are more likely to be repeated all those following and buy an undesirable outcome are less likely to be repeated
BF Skinner
research and operant conditioning and schedules of reinforcement
Skinner box
An opera chamber that could hold a small animal and contained a bar or key the animal would pressed to receive a reward
Operant conditioning
Morning that comes from rewards or punishments for behavior
procedure where reinforcers are gradually given to God actions toward a desirable behavior
breaks a task down into small steps and then teaches each step within the sequence by itself
Reinforcing stimulus
Any event that strengthens were increases their behavior it follows
Positive reinforcement
Favorable events or outcomes that are present in after the behavior the behavior of strengthened by the addition of something
Negative reinforcement
Removal of uncomfortable outcome after this via behavior response is strengthened by removal of something considered unpleasant
Primary reinforcement
Naturally favorable or desirable consequences
Secondary reinforcers
Need to be learned and can be used to obtain primary reinforcer’s
Token reinforcer
Symbols are tokens I can be exchanged for other reinforcers
Punishing stimulus
Punishment is the presentation of an adverse event or outcome that causes a decrease in the behavior it follows
Positive punishment
Adding an unfavorable outcome in order to weaken the response
Negative punishment
Occurs when an event or outcome is removed
Over justification affect
Phenomenon where being rewarded actually diminishes intrinsic motivation
Schedules of reinforcement
A pattern that defines how often are desired response will be in reinforced
Continuous reinforcement
Desired behavior is reinforced each and every time it occurs this creates rapid acquisition and creates a strong association between behavior in response also rapid extinction
Partial reinforcement
The responses are reinforced only part of the time this has the most affect once a behavior has already been established
Number of behaviors or length of time intervals is constant
Number of behaviors or time interval is variable 
Amount of responses
Based on time
Fixed ratio schedule
Response is reinforced only after a specific number of responses this has a high response right but irregular responding once reinforcement is
Variable ratio schedule
Responses reinforce after an unpredictable number of responses the learners rate of response remains constant but not effective for teaching new behaviors
Fixed interval schedules
first response is rewarded after specific time elapsed response more frequently as reward time comes
Variable interval schedules
Occur when I responses rewarded after unpredictable amount of time has passed they stay responding minimal pause after reinforcement
Observational learning
Learn through watching others retaining information and replicating the behaviors
Social learning theory
Modeling and vicarious reinforcement
Mirror neurons
fire both win we do behavior and when we watch behavior
Albert bandura And the Bobo doll
Demonstrated that young children with it imitate the violent and aggressive actions of an adult model
Cognition in conditioning
Researcher start conditioning was involuntary response is to environment now believe there’s some information processing conditioning
Latent learning
One can learn some thing but not sure behavior right away organisms form cognitive maps which are mental representations to acquire store and recall information in their environment
Insight learning
A sudden realization of problem solution that just came to you
The pre-Mac principle
A person will perform a less desirable activity in order to perform the more desirable activity as a consequence
Martin seligman
Dogs in a cage with partially electrified floor the dogs are able to work a lever and learn to jump over there to escape shock
Learned helplessness
mental state where an organism continues to experience a painful unpleasant or aversive stimulus
Organism becomes help us because they have learned that regardless of their actions they have no ability to change the outcome