motivation emotion and personality Flashcards
I need a desire to energizes indirect behavior
Instinct theory
Complex online genetically inherited behaviors that original pattern throughout a species
Strength of instant theory
Helps explain behavioral similarities
Limitation of instant theory
Doesn’t consider human cognitive capabilities
Drive reduction theory
Psychological need creates in arouse tension that motivates an organism to satisfy the need
Strength of a drive reduction theory
Explains basic biological needs and push factors
The bodies desire to maintain an internal physiological state
Limitation of drive reduction theory
Doesn’t explain complex and very behaviors of humans
Incentive theory
We are pulled into action by positive or negative external stimuli
Strength of incentive theory
based on well-established starting principles
limitation of incentive theory 
Does not explain intrinsic motivation and cannot explain behaviors that have no apparent external worth
Optimum arousal theory
Human motivation and to increase arousal
Strength of optimum arousal theory
Explains physiological arousal needed for specific tasks
Optimum level of arousal
Motivation is a search for just the right amount of excitement
Limitation of optimum level of arousal
Doesn’t explain motivations for more complex social needs
yerkes dodson law
Increased arousal can help improve performance but only up to a certain point at the point when arousal becomes excessive performance diminishes
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Suggested that people are motivated by a hierarchy of needs
Level one physiological needs
The most basic of Maslow’s needs the things we need to survive
Level two security
People want control over our lives so the need for safety hey security contribute largely to behaviors
Level III social needs
At this level the need for emotional relationship drives human behavior
Level for esteem needs
At this point it becomes increasingly important to gain respect and appreciation of others people have a need to accomplish things and have it recognized
level 5self actualization
Hi several of hierarchy need that essentially equates to achieving full potential
Level six self transcendence
People drive for meaning purpose and communion that is beyond the cell
Hunger motivation
Understanding why we eat hunger is a motivator and a drive state
Most of the biological feeling of hunger comes from this brain structure
Lateral hypothalamus
The on button for eating if simulates causes you to feel hunger
Ventromedial hypothalamus
The off button for eating when simulated makes you feel full
Set points versus settling point
Homeostasis of body weight weight range determined by genetics and physiological
Nerve Osa binge and purge cycle
Characterized by not eating enough
The potential for health problems associated with diabetes and hypertension are growing concerns in our population
Sexual motivation
The normal human interest in sexual objects and activities
Degree of attraction to the absent or same gender
Sexual orientation
Sexual response cycle
Excitement to plateau to orgasm to resolution
Achievement motivation
I need for achievement drives accomplishment performance in there by motivates her behavior
Extrinsic motivation
Behavior that is driven by external rewards like money grades same and praise
Intrinsic motivation
Behavior is driven by internal rewards
Over justification of fact
Phenomenon were being rewarded for doing something actually diminishes intrinsic motivation to perform the action
A response to stimuli that in valves physiological arousal to the automatic nervous system
Nonverbal communication
Facial expressions gestures posture distance and nonlinguistic vocalization that expresses emotional feelings
Display rule
A social group or cultures normal about how to appropriately express emotions
Common sense very
I stimulus leads to emotion which leads to a bottle you arousal
James Lange theory
emotional scars result result of us physiological reactions to events
Facial feedback hypothesis
Facial expressions are connected to experiencing emotions
Cannon Bard theory of emotion
Stimuli triggers didn’t knew genius Lee physiological and psychological experience of emotions
Stretched or singer to factor theory
The physiological arousal occurs first then the individual must identify the reason for this arousal to label and experience as a motion
The process by which experience and respond to stressors
Acute stress
Short term stress
Chronic stress
Show us that seems never ending and inescapable
You stress
Positive stress
Unpleasant stress
General adaptation syndrome
research by Hans sell the three stages of the body‘s reaction to stress
When the body first you guys to a stressor the sympathetic nervous system is activated
Stress continues the body continues to release the stress hormones out the body fight off a resist dresser
On the bodies resources are gone exhaustion occurs in Kinley distress related diseases
Locus of control
The extent to which people feel that they have control over the events that influence their lives
Internal locus of control
Believe that you have control over what happens
External locus of control
I am outside forces for those circumstances
Type a personality
Competitive perfectionist aggressive a patient Richard
Type B personality
Relaxed patient easy-going underachieving
Emotion focused coping
I’ll leave you any shows bag knowing avoiding the stressor in attending to the emotional reaction
Problem focused coping
Alleviating the stress by changing the structure or the way we react to it
Appraisal focused coping
A toast to refurbish stressors changing one’s perception’s in assumptions about the stressors
Personality psychology
The scientific study of the whole person
Sigmund Froude
The father of psychoanalysis you regarded as one of the most influential in controversial minds of the 20th century
Psychoanalytic theory’s
Human behaviors are determined by force is over which we have very little control and about which we are generally unaware
I reservoir and mostly unacceptable thought squish his feelings and memories
Part of human personality that is made of all our inborn biological urges that seeks out immediate gratification
Largely conscious ask 2nd Ave. part of personality that mediate I’m on the man’s of it super ego in reality
Super ego
The part of the personality to represent internal ideas and provide standards for judgment
Psychosexual stages
Childhood stages of development went according to Froude the IDs pleasure seeking energies focus on distinct erogenous loans
oedipus complex
A boy sexual desire told his mother and feelings of jealousy for arrival father
According to food children incorporate their parents values into their developing super egos
Fix ation
According to Fruita lingering focus of pleasure seeking energy is at an earlier psychosexual stage where conflicts for unresolved
Fruits technique used in treating psycho analytical disorders by seeking to expose in interpret unconscious tensions
Free association
And psychoanalysis a method of explaining the unconscious with a person relaxes and says whatever comes to mind no matter how trivial or embarrassing
Interpretation of dreams
Foods analysis of dreams few dreams and significant hidden material
Manifest content
What is remembered the censored version food was interested in the lake in content that was not remembered
Latent content
Dream interpretation was the Royal Road to the knowledge of unconscious and mental like
Defense mechanisms
The ego protects itself with defensive mechanism’s tactics that reduce or redirecting Zaidi by distorting reality
Asked to keep information out of the conscious awareness
Taking out frustrations feelings and impulses and people are objects that are less starting
Taking your own unacceptable qualities your feelings in putting them on other people
Revert to patterns of behavior used earlier and development
All right refusal to admit I recognize that something has occurred or is currently occurring
Explaining an unacceptable behavior feeling in a rational and logical manner
Reaction formation
Taking up the opposite feeling impulse our behavior
Nail through Adian’s
Psycho analyst excepted for his basic ideas
Psychodynamic theory
Excepted the ID ego super ego that personality was defined in childhood in the unconscious
Carl Jung
Early fall or a fruit establish rival theological perspective all people share a collective unconscious
Collective Unconscious
Tell me a collection of images that we have a game together as humans for my ancestral an evolutionary best
Universal parents that structure how all humans consciously and unconsciously adapter that world
The socially acceptable mask or from the person presents to the world
Alfred Adler
Emphasize social interest as the primary determinant of behavior
Elder birth order
The oldest is prepared for appearance of arrival the middle is ambitious and well-adjusted the youngest is excellent in many areas or becomes avoid it if lacking confidence
Karen horny
Feminist perspective to psychoanalytic theory attacked me a bison foods work
Projective test
Personality test the provider ambiguous stimuli and ask testtakers to tell a story about it
Somatic appreciation test
Projective test more people express their inner feelings and interest of the stories that make up about ambiguous scenes
Ink blot test
Most widely used projective test instead of 10 invert in flux but he spends a show on the Xbox and ask for each looks like
The modern unconscious mind
A separate in parallel task of information processing that occurs outside of our awareness
Humanistic theories
Emphasize the importance of free will and individual experience in the development of personality