semester 2 unit 3 Flashcards
Gene expression
Process of what information from a gene is used to synthesize a phenotype
INITIATION begins when double helix unwinds and RNA polymerase binds to DNA, ELONGATION is when nucleotides are added to mRNA in 3’ to 5’ region, TERMINATION is when mRNA synthesis is complete which begins disassembly
Sense strand
1 strand of DNA, provides the code to make a protein
Antisense strand
In 2 stranded DNA, the antisense strand is binded to sense strand
Process of introns leaving mRNA as it matures and exons joining to create mature mRNA (results in protein synthesis template)
Role of nucleosomes
Represses all transcription processes
Role of promoter
Controls whether RNA polymerase can access the gene
Role of silencer & enhancer
Silencer & Enhancers are non-coding DNA base sequence that regulate gene expression
Role of repressor
When repressor is added to operator, promoter stops binding with RNA polymerase
Genetic code
The 4 nucleotides (A, T, C, G) that create a codon
Cluster of ribosomes attaching to mRNA to accelerate protein synthesis
Structure of tRNA
Folded structure with 3 loops that form a three-leafed clover shape
Structure of mRNA
Long, single-stranded molecule made of nucleotides A, U, C, G
Structure of ribosomes
Consists of small and large subunits
Free ribosomes
Synthesizes proteins in mitochondria, chloroplasts, cytoplasm, and nucleus