Semester 1 Final: Metabolism Flashcards
Metabolic Pathways
a molecule is altered through a series of steps resulting in a specific product
-Catalyzed by enzymes
Catabolic Pathways
release energy by breaking down molecules (exergonic)
Anabolic Pathways
consume energy to build complicated molecules from simpler ones (endergonic)
1st Law of Thermodynamics
Energy of the universe is constant so it can be transferred or transformed but not created or destroyed
2nd Law of Thermodynamics
Every energy transformation leads to increased entropy
Free Energy
The portion of energy within a system that is free to do work (symbolized by G)
Exergonic Reactions
the process is spontaneous and releases energy
-decreases the system’s free energy (ΔG is negative) and increases entropy
– The final state of energy is less likely to change & is more stable
– reactants, or initial state, has more free energy than the products, or final state
Endergonic reactions
– the process requires energy input & increases the system’s free energy, decreasing entropy (nonspontaneous)
– products, or final state, have more free energy than the reactants, or initial state
• All the chemical reactions occurring in an organism
– Follow metabolic pathways
ATP & Energy Coupling
Exergonic processes drive endergonic ones
– ATP is responsible for most coupling in cells and acts as the immediate power source for work
– hydrolysis of ATP provides the free phosphate that will be used to phosphorylate other molecules
-phosphorylated molecule is less stable & more reactive & this change allows it to perform work
Catalytic proteins that speed up specific reactions without being consumed
-lower activation energy of chemical reactions
Induced fit
active sites are not rigid but change shape slightly once chemical interactions occurs with the substrate to ensure a snug fit
(ie handshake)
How do enzymes lower activation energy?
- Acting as a template for substrate orientation
- Stressing the substrate by bending critical bonds
- Providing a favorable mini-environment, such as a pH pocket
- Participating directly in the catalytic reaction by
providing temporary covalent bonding; substrate is unstable and will form new bonds to be converted into product
effect of temperature on enzyme functionality
– Reaction rates increase with higher temperatures because substrates collide with active sites more frequently (greater kinetic/heat energy)
– Only works to a point because too high of a temperature will cause enzyme denaturation
effect of pH on enzyme functionality
There are optimal pH range because too acidic an environment will cause denaturation
– Example: Pepsin works at pH 2 because functions in
our stomach & trypsin works at pH 12 works in the alkaline environment of the small intestine
effect of cofactors on enzyme functionality
Non protein that all function in various ways to increase enzymatic productivity
– Inorganic cofactors examples are Cu, Fe, Zn
– Organic cofactors (coenzymes) such as vitamins
effect of inhibitors on enzyme functionality
Chemicals that selectively inhibit the actions of enzymes
– Are reversible if bond with a weak bond, but can be irreversible if covalently bonded
Many inhibitors are naturally occurring in the cell
Competitive Inhibitors
Resemble the normal substrate & compete for admission into active site
ex. penicillin
Noncompetitive Inhibitors
Molecules that bind to a portion of the enzyme away
from the active site (allosteric site)
– Cause the enzyme to change shape & the active site becomes unreceptive
– Ex. DDT
Feedback Inhibition:
A metabolic pathway is switched off by its end product
• Product inhibits an enzyme in its own pathway by noncompetitive inhibition
– Prevents unnecessary waste from excess products