Semester 1 Exam 4 Lower extremity Flashcards
Which fracture type would present itself at the base of the fifth metatarsal
Weight-bearing studies of the foot are primarily used to demonstrate:
Longitudinal arch
In the lateral projection of the foot, the
- plantar surface should be perpendicular to the Image Receptor.
- metatarsals are superimposed.
- tibiotalar joint should be visualized.
For the Axial (Tangential) projectionof the Calcaneus, the CR should be directed how many degrees and in what direction toward the long axis of the foot:
40 degrees cephalad
For the lateral (mediolateral) projection of the calcaneus, the CR is directed to the:
1 in distal to medial malleolus
To demonstrate a ligamentous tear at the ankle joint, which of the following may be taken?
stress view
What is the kVp range for foot radiography
On the anterior surface of the tibia is a prominent process called the:
tibial tuberosity
When positioning a patient for an AP projection of the lower leg, which of the following criteria are true?
- the femoral condyles are perpendicular to the cassette
- the foot is vertical to the plane of the cassette
- the knee and ankle joints are not rotated
Which of the following projections will best demonstrate the cuboid free of superimposition?
AP oblique, medial rotation
How many phalanges are in the great toe?
When the calcaneus is imaged in the axial projection, the position of the foot is:
In the AP axial projection of the foot the CR should be angled ____ toward the heel to open joint spaces.
10 degrees
Which projection best demonstrates the upper portion of the talus?
AP ankle
Which of the following is NOT clearly demonstrated on an AP projection of the foot?
The best demonstrate the ankle mortise joint, the entire affected leg and foot should be rotated:
15-20 degrees medially
For the AP and oblique projections of the toes, the central ray is directed perpendicular to the:
3rd mtp joint
The cuboid lies on the _________ side of the foot.
How many bones make up the lower leg?
When requested to radiograph the toes, what technical factors must be adjusted from a dorsal plantar foot?
decrease mAs by 1/2
The inferior aspect of the foot is termed the:
plantar surface
Which of the following Radiographic procedures best demonstrate the Base of the 5th metatarsal?
AP foot
APO Foot medial rotation
Lateral foot
When radiographing the foot in the AP oblique projection, medial rotation, the foot is rotated ____ degrees toward the medial side
30 degrees
What piece of accessory equipment may be needed for foot radiography?
wedge sponge
Which of the following Radiographic procedures will demonstrate the Cuboid bone?
Lateral Foot
AP Foot
APO Foot Medial rotation
For an AP oblique projection, medial rotation of the ankle, mortise view, how must the malleoli be positioned in relation to the plane of the image receptor?
Chronic metabolic disease of bone marked by weakened, deformed and thickened bone that fractures easily is a condition known as:
Pagets disease
Which of the following Technical factors may be adjusted to change the exposure index number?
How many metatarsal bones are in the foot?
The second largest bone in the body is the:
The tibial plateaus slope _____ 10 to 20 degrees
Which of the following articulations participate in the formation of the ankle mortise
Talofibular Tibiotalar
Evaluation criteria for an AP projection of the ankle includes:
- distal tibia slightly overlaps the distal fibula
- the calcaneus is well visualized.
- plantar surface of the foot is vertical to the receptor.
1 and 3
The heel bone is also known as the _____ and is the largest of the tarsal bones.
How many bones make up the entire foot
How many phalanges are in the foot?
For an oblique projection of the ankle, the leg is rotated:
internally, 45 degrees
On an image of an AP projection of the lower leg, the tibia and fibula should be free from superimposition at:
neither the proximal nor distal ends
In which projection of the foot are the sinus tarsi, cuboid, and tuberosity of the metatarsal best demonstrated?
medial oblique foot
What technical factor must be increased to better penetrate the anatomical part?
The navicular lies on the ________ side of the foot.
When positioning a patient for a lateral (mediolateral) projection of the lower leg, which of the following criteria are true?
- the femoral condyles are perpendicular to the cassette.
- the articulating joints of the femur and the ankle must be included.
- the cassette may be positioned kitty-corner to ensure knee and ankle joints are included on the radiograph.
Where is the lateral malleolus located in the leg?
distal fibula
The superior surface of the foot is termed the: