Semester 1 Exam 3 Flashcards
Which of the following must be clearly demonstrated on a lateral projection of the humerus?
- glenoid cavity
- elbow joint
- SC joint
1 & 2
The affected arm is abducted 90 o from the body with the central ray horizontal and entering through the axilla. Which shoulder projection has been described?
inferosuperior axial (Lawrence)
The lateral projection of the elbow should clearly demonstrate which of the following?
- elbow joint
- proximal radius and ulna
- distal humerus
1,2, &3
The most common position used for performing an AP humerus radiograph is:
When conducting image critique on any radiograph one should:
Be sure correct name, marker and accession number are on the image
Be sure all pertinent anatomy is included
Check for proper position and artifacts
Repeat the image if necessary only in the presence of a registered Radiologic Technologist
The elbow image you just completed is drastically underexposed. What exposure factor needs to be adjusted?
double the mAs
For superior inferior axial projection of the shoulder, which of the following are true?
- The arm is abducted.
- The elbow is flexed 90 degrees
- The hand is pronated
In the lateral projection of the scapula, which of the following statements are TRUE?
- vertebral and axillary borders of the scapula are superimposed
- acromion and coracoid processes are demonstrated
- patient may be radiographed in recumbent or erect positions
How far above the humeral head should the upper margin of the IR be placed for an AP humerus?
1 1/2 inches
Which of the following positions of the hand will place the epicondyles parallel with the plane of the IR?
For a transthoracic lateral projection, the proximal humerus should be projected:
between the vertebral column and sternum
In which body position should the patient be placed to demonstrate the right shoulder in the PA Oblique Position (Scapular Y)?
The proximal humerus falls into what joint classification:
ball & socket
Inflammation of the tendon and tendon-muscle attachment is a pathologic condition know as:
For the AP projection of the elbow, the humeral epicondyles are:
parallel to IR
The olecranon process fills the olecranon fossa of the humerus in the ____ position.
For the lateral projection of the elbow, the elbow should be flexed:
90 degrees
which projection of the upper limb should be performed to demonstrate a fracture of the proximal humerus when that arm cannot be abducted?
Transthoracic lateral projection (Lawrence method of the humerus)
In the lateral projection of the elbow, what position should the hand be in?
Which of the following anatomical parts are part of the scapula?
Glenoid cavity
Coracoid Process
For an AP Oblique Projection, Grashey Method of the shoulder, the patient would be rotated
35 to 45 degrees toward the affected side
A shoulder image you completed is slightly overexposed. What adjustment to your technical factors is necessary?
increase mAs 30%
What relationship are the epicondyles to the Image Receptor on an AP projection of the elbow?
Which of the following elbow projections best demonstrates the radial head and radial turberosity slightly superimposed?
Which projection of the shoulder is being performed when the patient is in the LPO or RPO postition, the affected shoulder is centered to the Image Receptor, and the patient is at a 45-60 degree angle to the plane of the Image Receptor?
AP oblique scapular Y
Which elbow projection best demonstrates the olecranon process?
distal humeral acutae flexion Jones method
Which of the following criteria are TRUE when positioning for an AP Projection Scapula?
- abduct the arm (on affected side) to a right angle to the body
- flex elbow, supinate hand to resemble a “stop signal”
- CR to enter at the coracoid process
- Which of the following is the best position to place the patient in for a transthoracic lateral projection of the proximal humerus?
Which of the following are criteria for a Lateral Projection, Lateromedial of the elbow?
- flex elbow 45 degrres
- hand is in true lateral position
- humeral epicondyles are perpendicular to the receptor
For inferior superior axial projectionof the shoulder, which of the following are true?
- The arm is abducted.
- The Central ray enters at the axilla.
- The Patient is erect.
The elbow and humerus are both examples of:
synovial joints
Which of the following projection of the clavicle will retain the least amount of magnification?
Which one of the following projections best demonstrates the radial head, neck, and tuberosity free of superimposition from the ulna?
elbow; AP oblique projection, lateral rotation
For an AP Projection Shoulder, internal Rotation of the humerus, where does the lesser tubercle lie?
glenoid fossa
For all routine AP shoulder projections, it is desirable to image the patient in the _______________ position:
The elbow is extended, and the hand is in pronation in the ___________ position of the elbow
medial oblique
The kVp range for routine shoulder girdle radiography according to Merrill’s is:
To best demonstrate the glenoid cavity of the shoulder using the Grashey Method, with the patient in the upright position , the patient is rotated ____ the affected side.
35-45 degrees toward
Displacement of a bone from the joint space is a pathological condition known as:
For the AP projection of the shoulder, with the patient in the neutal position, the greater tubercle would be___________
Superimposed on the humeral head
Which of the following would likely be included in a shoulder routine for patients with acute trauma to the proximal humerus?
- AP shoulder
- transthoracic
- shoulder Y
1 2 3
Which shoulder image would best demonstrate dilocation?
Y view
For an AP Projection Shoulder, External Rotation of the humerus, which of the following statements are true?
- direct CR to a point 1” inferior, to the coracoid process
- epicondyles should be perpendicular to the film
- slightly abduct arm and supinate hand (unless patient conditionindicates otherwise)
1 &3
Which anatomical structure of the forearm articulates with the humeral capitulum?
radial head
To demonstrate the Clavicle in the AP Axial Projection, Standing Lordotic Position, how many degrees and in what direction should the CR be directed:
0 to 15 degrees cephalad
To demonstrate the Scapula in the Lateral Projection, what is the degree of body rotation from the plane of the receptor?
For the AP projection of the shoulder, neutral position, the epicondyles form a _____ degree angle to the image receptor.
The patient is in the recumbent position rotated 45-60 degrees with the elbow flexed 90 degrees and the hand on the abdomen. This best descibes the:
For an AP Projection Shoulder, External Rotation of the humerus, which structure is demonstrated in profile?
Greater Tubercle
The shoulder girdle is formed by the following bones
Clavicle scapula