Seizures Exam 3 Flashcards
What is a seizure?
Sudden paroxysmal electrical
discharge of neurons in the brain
Other terms: Convulsion, fit, spell, ictus
What can seizures be caused by?
Systemic distress- isolated nonrecurrent attacks like hypoxia and hypoglycemia
Seizures can be caused by ?
Damage or disease of brain:
* Tumors
* Trauma
* Perinatal injuries
* Toxins
* Infectious agents
* Electrolyte imbalance
* Uremia
* Drug withdrawal
* Sedative hypnotics
* Vascular disorders
What are the primary caused of seizure?
- Genetic and Idopathic
What is epilepsy?
Also called seizure disorder/ disorder of the brain
Epilepsy is when a peron has two or more seizures.
Epilepsy is most common neurological disorder in what type of patient?
What are the classification for seizures?
- Age-related onset
- Symptoms
- Anatomic localization in the brain
What is the main etiology of seizures?
Cellular levels- Imbalances in neurotransmitters
What are the Primary causes of a seizure?
▪ Genetic predisposition
▪ Neurologic abnormalities
What are the secondary causes of a seizure?
Secondary (symptomatic)
▪ Examples:
▪ Perinatal injuries
▪ Brain tumor
▪ Trauma
▪ Infection
▪ Complication of cancer
Can secondary seizures be preventable?
Yes; if underlying cause is treated
What are some potential causes of seizures in a dental setting?
- Hypoglycemia
- Hypoxia – secondary to syncope
- Local anesthetic toxicity
- Med hx of Epilepsy
What is generalized seizures ?
Affects entire brain
- Nonconvulsive
▪ 4 sub-types
Absence (petit mal)
Atypical absence
- Convulsive
▪ 3 sub-types
Tonic-clonic (grand mal)
What is partial seizures?
Involves only part of the brain
No loss of consciousness
Jerking of mouth muscles
Varying level of consciousness
Staring with confusion
Purposeless movements or actions
What are the clinical manifestations of seizures?
Precipitating Factors: Psychological stress
Sensory stimuli
Flashing lights, noises, peculiar odors
Use or withdrawal of addictive drugs (i.e. alcohol)
Aura: Warning before a seizure
Warning → preparation
What is tonic clonic (Grand Mal) seizures?
- Loss of consciousness sudden and complete
- Muscle contraction and relaxation
- Shallow or no breathing → pale, bluish color
- Tongue bitten, foamy saliva
- 1-3 minutes duration
- Longer → status epilepticus
- Phases: Preictal, ictal, postictal, Aura
What is the absence (petit mal) seizure?
Begins: Loss of consciousness 5-30 secs
▪ Blank stare, posture fixed
▪ Rhythmic twitching- Eyelids, eyebrows, head, chewing
▪ Ends: Fully alert, conscious; unaware of seizure
* Most Common in children
* Rare after 20 years old
What is the preictal phase?
- after aura
- Patient loses consciousness
What is the ictal phase?
Tonic phase
* Muscles have sustained contraction –
patient appears rigid
What is the icatal phase?
Clonic phase- Convulsions
What is the postical phase?
- Movement stopped
- Patient remains unconscious
What are febrile seizures?
- convulsions that can happen when a young child has a fever above 100.4°F (38°C)
- Risk of developing other seizure disorders later in life
How do you diagnosis seizures?
Clinical signs and symptoms
▪ History
▪ Electroencephalography (EEG)
▪ Functional neuroimaging
What is the treatment of patient with seizures disorders?
- Control of seizures with fewest side effects
- Drug therapy- Antiseizure and antiepileptic drugs
What are the preventive strategies in dental office ?
- Preparing for management if a seizure should occur
- Essential information about the patient’s seizures history
- If uncontrolled post-pone until stable
- Early morning appt after meal
- Within hours of taking medication
What are some preventivie strategies in a dental office?
- mouth prop and removal of dentures
- Clinician should advise patient to let him/her know if they feel onset of seizure.
How should you treat a patient with seizures?
Primary task is to protect patient and try
to prevent injury before, during, and
What is Status epileticus?
- Continuous GTCS or repetitive recuurence
- Life threatening
- May persist for hours or days
- Temperature may rise to 106°F.
- BP elevated: 200/150 mmHg