Lecture 5 Part 2 Exam 2 Flashcards
What is partial obstruction?
If patient is coughing
What is Complete obstruction?
If PT is unable to speak
What is the aspiration of foreign object ?
- can eneter lung
- extremely serious
- removal is important toavoid infection and possible death
What if a patient ingest a foreign object?
90 % passes through GI tract
Excreted within 2-12 days
10% causes impaction, abscesses or perforation
What are the signs and symptoms of Partially obstructed airway?
Placing hands in throat area
What are the signs of complete obstructed airway?
- DIstress
- Grip throat
- Cyanosis
- Unable to speak,cough or breathe
- Eventually loss of consciousness
Signs and Symptoms of Airway aspiration
Range from nonexistent to severe dyspnea
Decreased breath souths
Excessie suptum production
Possibly suffocation
What are the treatment of partially obstructed airway?
- Position upright
- Encourage coughing until object expelled
What are the treatment of Completely obstruscted airway?
- If conscious: apply abdominal thrusts
- If unconscious: Contact EMS, position suspine, open airway and attempt to ventilate, breaths unable to enter lungs
- Begin Chest compressions 30:2 for five cycles
- If unconscious: Inpect oral cavity, perfom finger sweep if object apparent, if object not visible, attempt another ventilation.
- Repeat procedure until EMS arrives or breath enters lungs
what is the treatment of Aspirated Object?
- Contact EMS
- Requires chest radiograph
- Radiograph bronchoscopy
- If left untreated can cause inflammation, infection, ulceration and granulation tissue formation
What is the treatment of Ingested object?
- Endoscopy of the upper gastroinstestinal tract may be needed.
- CT scanning of the abdomen is also useful for location ingested objects.
What is Asthma?
- Chronic respiratory disorder
- Narrowing of the trachea, bronchi and bronchies by triggers
- Recurring attacks of dyspnea, wheezing, coughing and chest tightness
- Abnormal immune response in bronchial airways
Who are at a higher risk for Asthma?
Puerto Ricans, non-hispanic whites and blacks
Adult females 30% higher than males
Children boys 0-17 years- 30% higher than girls
What is Asthma influenced by ?
Multiple genetic, developmental and environmental factors
Inflammation leads to airway narrowing and mucus producation cause in what?
Coughing and wheezing
What are the typical allergens?
- waste from household insects, grass, pollen, mold, and pet epithelial cells
- causes humoral response
- IgE environmental allergens
What are some other asthma triggers
- Air pollution
- industrial compounds
- Chemicals
- Childhood infections
- Exercise
- Stress
What are the different types of Asthama?
- Extrinsic
- Intrinsic
- Drug-induced
- Excerise-induced
- Infectious
What is Extrinsic Asthma?
- most comon
- 50% of all asthmatics
- inherited allergic predisposition
What is intrinsic asthma?
second major category
develops in adults over 35
triggerd by pyschological and physiological stress
What is Drug-Induce Asthma?
What is the exercise-induced Asthma?
begins after start of exercise
What is infectious Asthma?
viral infection of respiratory tract
most common
What are the Signs and symptoms of Asthma?
Some suffer chronic respiratoy imparement
Intermittent illness marked by symptoms caused by triggers
What are the signs and symptoms of mild asthma attack?
Respiration is difficult
Respiration rate is slightly faster than normal range
Complete sentences can be spoken
Mild complaints of wheezing
What are the Signs and symptoms of moderate Asthma attack?
Respiration is moderately difficult
Respiration rate is faster than normal range
Only phrases or partial sentences can be spoken
Moderate complaints of wheezing
Skin color normal or pale
Slight to moderate drawing in of muscles between the ribs
What are the Signs and symptoms of severe Asthma attack?
- Respiration rate is very fast or very slow with a lot of distress
- Only single words or short sentences are spoken
- Severe Complaints of wheezing
- Skin color is poor
- Level of awareness is decreased
What are the treatments for asthma?
- Prevention of acute episode
- PT brings bronchodilator to appointment
- N2o uses
- local anesthetics with epinephrine may trigger attack and not recommended
- Position patient upright with arms forward
- self-administer own bronchodilator
- Use albuterol recommended
- Administer oxygen
- Monitor VS