Seizures Flashcards
Definition of Seizures
Change in cortical electrical activity through transient sensory, motor or behavior changes
What is Epilepsy
Recurrent unprovoked seizures secondary to an underlying cerebral disorder
What is Status Elipticus
Medical emergency where epileptic seizure continues or is repeated without regaining consciousness
What is an Aura
A subjective sensation experienced before onset of some disorders (feeling of pain, smelling burning wood)
What is Automatism?
Automatic, involuntary movement during a seizure
Provoked vs Unprovoked seizures?
Provoked- specific trigger
Unprovoked- Not associated with a precipitating cause
What is a another name for a Simple partial seizure?
Focal Aware seizure
What is another name for Complex partial seizure
Focal Impaired Awareness seizure
What are the 2 classifications of Focal seizures
- Focal Aware
2. Focal Impaired Awareness
Most common Etiology of epilepsy?
Idiopathic 50%
Etiologies of Epilepsy
Vascular disease Idiopathic (50%) Trauma Alzheimers Metabolic Infection Neuropathy Drugs
Differential Diagnoses/Seizure Imitators
Syncope (MC immitator)
Paroxysmal movement disorders
Sleep Disorders
Transient Ischemic Attack
What are the most important questions to ask when obtaining a history of seizure disorder
- Family history
- Any history of head trauma
- Alcohol and medications
What diagnostic studies are needed to determine seizures?
- Neuroimaging
- Labs (CBC, CMP, PRL, CK, toxicology screening for alcohol)
What are some other possible diagnostic tests you could order for seizures
2. LP