sedentary behaviour Flashcards
CSEP guidelines SWEAT
5-17 y/0
60min of mod to vigorous PA
vig 3x/wk
muscle and bone strengthening 3x/wk
CSEP guidelines STEP
5-17 y/0
several hours of a variety of structured and unstructured light physical activity
CSEP guidelines SLEEP
5-17 y/0
9-10HOUR –> 5-13 y/o
8-10 hours –> 14-17 y/o
consistent bed and wake up times
CSEP guidelines SIT
5-17 y/0
no more than 2h/day of recreational screen time
limited sitting for extended periods
definition of sedentary behaviour - gen population
any waking behaviour characterized by an energy expenditure less or equal to 1.5 METS while sitting, lying or reclining posture
definition of sedentary behaviour - infants
waking behaviour characterized by low energy expenditure while restrained
prone not sedentary
sedentary behaviour pattern
the manner in which sedentary behaviour is accumulated throughout the day or week while awake (timing, duration and frequency)
physical inactivity
an insufficient physical activity level to meet present activity recommendations
position one weight is supported by ones buttock and which ones back is upright
passive: just sitting reading
active: biking, seated bicep curl
hz position on a supported surface
active: dead bug, h/s curl, plank
position which one has or is maintaining an upright position while supported by ones feet
passive: less than 2 METs
active: more than 2 METS
stationary behaviour
any waking behaviour while lying, sitting, reclining or standing with no ambulation, irrespective of energy expenditure
screen time
time spent on screen-based behaviours. performed while being sedentary of physically active
non-screen-based sedentary time
sedentary behaviour not involving screen
- driving
- board games
benefits of 60min of MVPA and less 2 h of screen time
- improve overall health
- improve school performane
- improve self-esteem
- maintain a healthy body weight
-improve fitness - grow stronger
- have fun playing with friends
- feel happier
- learn new skills