physical activity overview Flashcards
factors affecting activity behavior in children and adolescents
Biological heredity
social and cultural
psychological self efficacy
the physical environment
Biological heredity factors affecting activity behaviour in children and adolescents
- adiposity and nutrition
- health status
- sexual maturation
-motor skills - physical fitness
psychological self efficacy factors affecting activity behaviour in children and adolescents
- self schema for activity
- perception of barriers to activity
- attitudes about activity
- beliefs about activity
The physical environment factors affecting activity behaviour in children and adolescents
- availability of activity facilities
-seasonal variation - climatic changes
days of the week and holidays - safety considerations
- entering the workforce versus school and studies
The nature of physical activity in children and youth in early childhood
- spontaneous, intermittent, non organized
- jumping, sliding, swinging, running, cycling
- (Bailey et al) mod intensity avg duration: 6sec
high intensity:3sec - short energy burst, short attention span
The nature of physical activity in children and youth in later childhood and adolescents
- cycling, walking, swimming, skating, team sports most popular
- tracking is stronger the shorter the time interval
- more structured, more longer sports better attention span
metabolic energy task
CDC ACSM guidelines PA lvls
moderate activity: 3-6 METs
Vigorous activity: >6METs
CSEP guidelines
light: greater or = 1.5-4METs
light chores, walking dog
Moderate: greater or = 4.1-6.9
skateboarding, rollerblading, baseball
Vigorous: >7 METs
fast biking, running, jumping rope
MET of 1
completely at rest
measuring, assessing and monitoring physical activity
accurate and reliable is hard
- children under 10 unable to accurately self report
- recall and desirability bias
- reliability and validity issues
questionnaire still widely used
objective measures preferred
24 hour CSEP guidelines for infants and toddlers age 0-4
180min of PA at any intensity throughout the day
type of infant activity
tummy time
reaching grasping toys
playing. or rolling on the floor
toddler and preschoolers activity
mvt of all kinds: climbing stairs, playing and exploring outside
run, jump, dance, hop, bike ride
24h CSEP guidelines for children and youth 5-11 and 12-17
sweat, step, sleep, sit
sweat: > 60min daily, vigorous 3x/wk, 3x bone+muscle strengthening