Section 8-All I's (51 total) Flashcards
Iconoclast (n)
one who attacks or undermines traditional conventions or institutions
attacking cherished beliefs, heretical
Idolatrous (adj)
given to intense or excessive devotion to something
worship of idols and images or blind devotion to something
Idyll (n)
a carefree, light-hearted pastoral or romantic episode or experience; a literary or musical piece describing such
simple or carefree
Ignominious (adj)
shameful, dishonorable, ignoble, undignified, disgraceful
not honorable in character or purpose
dishonor or humiliation
Imbroglio (n)
difficult or embarrassing situation
Imminent (adj)
about to happen; impending
prominent or distinguished
Immutable (adj)
not capable of change
Impassive (adj)
revealing no emotion or sensibility
variant of in- which can mean not, none or in, toward
Impecunious (adj)
lacking funds; without money
Imperious (adj)
commanding, masterful, arrogant, domineering, haughty
Imperturbable (adj)
marked by extreme calm, impassivity and steadiness
Impetuous (adj)
hastily or rashly energetic; impulsive and vehement
showing strong feeling; forceful, intense, passionate
Implacable (adj)
not capable of being appeased or significantly changed
Importune (v)
to ask incessantly, beg, nag
persistent in asking
Impudent (adj)
shamelessly bold; insolent; impertinent
characteristic of being shamelessly bold
Impugn (v)
attack or assail verbally, censure, execrate, deny
feel or express great loathing for; curse, swear
Impunity (n)
immunity from punishment, penalty or harm
punire (Latin)
Impute (v)
to attribute to a cause or source, ascribe, assign as a characteristic
Inalienable (adj)
cannot be transferred; unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor
Inchoate (adj)
in an initial stage, not fully formed
(especially of a process or organization) just coming into existence and beginning to displays signs of future potential
Incipient (adj)
beginning to come into being or to become apparent; (of a person) developing into a specified type or role
Indefatigable (adj)
not easily exhaustible, tireless, dogged
away, completely
wear out
Indifferent (adj)
having no interest or concern; apathetic; showing no bias or prejudice
Indolent (adj)
lazy, listless, torpid
mentally or physically inactive; lethargic
Indolence (n)
avoidance of activity or exertion; laziness
(of a person) having an unemotional and stolidly (not easily stirred or moved mentally) calm disposition
Ineluctable (adj)
certain, inevitable
Inert (adj)
unmoving, lethargic, sluggish, not reactive chemically
Ingenuous (adj)
artless, frank and candid, lacking in sophistication
lacking in candor, calculating, duplicitous (deceitful)
characterized by skill and imagination
Inherent (adj)
ingrained within one’s nature, intrinsic, firmly established, essential
to be inherent or innate to something
Inimical (adj)
damaging, harmful, injurious, hostile, unfriendly
Inimitable (adj)
one of a kind, peerless; unique, impossible to copy
Iniquity (n)
wickedness, gross injustice
characterized by wickedness
Innervate (v)
to supply with nerves, energize; 1) physiological process; 2) metaphorically
cause someone to feel drained of energy or vitality; weaken
Innocuous (adj)
harmless; causing no damage
Inscrutable (adj)
incapable of being discovered or understood, mysterious
Insensible (adj)
1) without one’s mental faculties, typically a result of violence or intoxication; numb, without feeling 2) unaware of, indifferent to; apathetic, callous 3) too small or gradual to be perceived; inappreciable
Insipid (adj)
without taste or flavor, lacking in spirit, dull
Insouciant (adj)
unconcerned, carefree, nonchalant
Insular (adj)
parochial, narrow-minded, like an island
having a limited or narrow outlook or scope
to set off in a detached position
Interdict (v)
prohibit, forbid, ban, halt
Intimate (v)
to imply, suggest or insinuate
Intractable (adj)
not easily managed or directed, stubborn, obstinate
Intransigent (adj)
refusing to compromise
Intrepid (adj)
steadfast, courageous; fearless, adventurous
Inundate (v)
to cover or overwhelm, to flood
an overwhelming abundance of people or things
Inured (adj)
accustomed to accepting something undesirable
Inveigh (v)
to attack verbally, denounce, deprecate
Inveigle (adj)
persuade someone to do something by means of deception or flattery
Inveterate (adj)
having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change
Invidious (adj)
tending to arouse envy or ill will in others; unfairly discriminating
Irascible (adj)
easily angered; prone to temperamental outbursts
Itinerate (v)
to travel from place to place
Itinerant (adj)
traveling from place to place