Section 13-All M's Flashcards
Magnanmity (n)
the quality of being generously noble in mind and heart, especially in forgiving
Malevolent (adj)
having or showing often vicious ill will, spite, or hatred
Malinger (v)
to feign illness so as to avoid work
Malleable (adj)
capable of being shaped or formed, easily influenced
Martial (adj)
associated with war and the armed forces
Martinet (n)
a rigid disciplinarian
Martinetish (adj)
one who demands absolute adherence to forms and rules
Maunder (v)
to talk to move aimlessly, mutter
Maverick (n)
an independent individual who does not go along with a group or party
Melancholy (adj)
tending toward sadness
Mellifluous (adj)
sweetly flowing, usually used to describe words or sounds
Mendacity (n)
the condition of being untruthful, dishonesty
Mendacious (n)
false, untruthful
Mendac- (Latin)
Mendicant (n)
beggar, supplicant
Mercurial (adj)
characterized by rapid and unpredictable change in mood
Meretricious (adj)
tawdry, pretentious, attractive but false, showy, having to do with prostitution
showy but cheap and of poor quality
Meticulous (adj)
characterized by extreme care and precision, attentive to detail
Mettlesome (adj)
courageous, high-spirited
Meddlesome (adj)
incline to interfere
nettlesome (adj)
prickly; causing annoyance or difficulty
Mettle (n)
a person’s ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding situation in a spirited or resilient way
Militate (v)
to have weight or bearing on, to argue (against); sometimes this word means to argue for, but mostly to argue against
Milk (v)
to exploit, to squeeze every last ounce of
Minatory (adj)
menacing, threatening
Mince (v)
pronounce or speak affectedly or too carefully euphemize, take tiny steps, tiptoe
Misanthrope (n)
one who hates humankind
Misanthropic (adj)
hating humankind
seeking to promote the welfare of others, especially, by donating money to good causes; generous and benevolent
Misogynist (n)
one who hates women
misogynist/misogynistic (adj)
relating to or characteristic of a misogynist
Mitigate (v)
to make or become less severe or intense, moderate
absolute or unrelieved
Mollify (v)
to calm or soothe, reduce in emotional intensify
Monotony (n)
tedious lack or variety or change
monotone (n)
one sound
Morose (adj)
sad, sullen, melancholy
Multifacted (adj)
having many aspects
Multifarious (adj)
varied, motley, greatly diversified
Mundane (adj)
of the world, typical of or concerned with the ordinary