Section 11-All G's, H's Flashcards
Gainsay (v)
to deny, dispute, contradict, oppose
Gambol (v)
to skip about playfully, frolic
Garner (v)
to gather and save, store up, acquire
Garrulous (adj)
pointlessly talkative, talking too much
Gauche (adj)
crude, awkward, tasteless
Germane (adj)
relevant to the subject at hand; appropriate in subject matter
Glib (adj)
marked by ease or informality; nonchalant; lacking in depth; superficial
Gossamer (adj)
delicate, insubstantial or tenuous; insincere
Grandiloquence (n)
pompous speech or expression
Gregarious (adj)
sociable; outgoing; enjoying the company of other people
Grouse (v)
to complain or grumble
Guile (n)
trickery, duplicity, cunning
Guileless (adj)
naive, free form, innocent, without deception, artless
Beguile (v)
charm or enchant someone
Gullible (adj)
easily persuaded to believe something; credulous
Hackneyed (adj)
rendered trite or commonplace by frequent usage
lacking originality or freshness