Section 6-All D's (46 total) Flashcards
Damp (v)
to diminish the intensity or check something, such as a sound or feeling
Daunt (v)
to intimidate or dismay; make (someone) feel intimidated or apprehensive
seeming difficult to deal with in anticipation; intimidating
cause (someone) to feel distress
Dearth (n)
smallness of quantity or number; scarcity; lack of something
Debacle (n)
rout, fiasco, complete failure
a disorderly retreat of defeated troops
a thing that is a complete failure, especially in a ludicrous or humiliating way
Decorum (n)
politeness or appropiateness of conduct or behavior; etiquette
down, away
something marked by decorum
Deleterious (adj)
injurious; harmful; causing damage
Demur (v)
to question or oppose; raise doubts or show reluctance
Denigrate (v)
blacken, belittle, sully, defame, disparage, criticize unfairly
niger (latin)
Denouement (n)
An outcome or solution; the unraveling of a plot; ending, close, conclusion, climax
Deprecate (v)
to disparage or belittle; express disapproval of
to belittle yourself or accomplishments
Depredate (v)
to plunder, pillage, ravage or destroy; to exploit in a predatory manner
attacks, or ravages
Derision (n)
scorn, ridicule, contemptuous treatment, mockery
Derivative (adj)
unoriginal, obtained from another source
Desiccate (v)
to dry out or dehydrate; to make dry or dull, lacking interest, passion, or energy
Desuetude (n)
Desultory (adj)
random; thoughtless; marked by a lack of plan or purpose, unenthusiastic
Detraction (n)
slandering, verbal attack, aspersion; to take away; belittle
Diaphanous (adj)
transparent, gauzy; light, delicate
through, across
thin, resembling gauze
Diatribe (n)
A harsh denunciation
Didactic (adj)
intended to teach to teach or instruct
Die (n)
a tool used for shaping, molding into a particular shape
Diffident (adj)
reserved, shy, unassuming; lacking in self-confidence
Diffidence (n)
a lack of confidence
Dilate (v)
to become wider or more open; to speak or write about something in length
Dilatory (adj)
causing delay, procrastination
Dilettante (n)
One with an amateurish or superficial interest in the arts or a branch of knowledge
Dilettantish (effort or interest)
is one that is frivolous or superficial
Din (n)
loud sustained noise; cacophony
Dirge (n)
a mournful song or poem for the dead; describing something that sounds like a funeral lament
Disabuse (v)
to undeceive; to set right; persuade someone that an idea or belief is mistaken
Discomfit (v)
to defeat, put down, embarass
Discordant (abj)
conflicting; dissonant or harsh in sound, disagreeing
Discretion (n)
caustious reserve in speech; ability to make responsible decisions
Disinterested (adj)
free from self-interest; unbiased
Disparage (v)
To slight or belittle
Disparaging Remarks
comments that express a negative, usually dismissive, opinion of something, or someone
Disparate (adj)
fundamentally distinct or dissimilar
Dissemble (v)
to disguise or conceal; to mislead; conceal ones treu motives, feelings, or beliefs
Dissolution (n)
disintegration, looseness in morals
the process of losing cohesion or strength
licentious, libertine; lax in morals
a person, especially a man, who behaves without moral principles or sense of responsibility. Especially in sexual matters
Dissonance (n)
lack of harmony; conflict (mainly in music)
Distrait (v)
distracted; absent-minded, especially due to anxiety
extremely agitated with emotion
Divulge (v)
to disclose something secret
Doggerel (n)
trivial, poorly constructed verse or words
Dogmatic (adj)
Authoritatively and or arrogantly assertive of principles, which often cannot be proved; stubbornly opinionated
a statement of ideas that is considered to be absolutely true
Dross (n)
slag, waste or foreign matter, surface scum, worthless, rubbish
Dross (n)
slag, waste or foreign matter, surface scum, worthless, rubish
Dulcet (adj)
melodious, harmonious, mellifluous, sweet & soothing
Dupe (n or v)
one who is deceived
Dynamo (n)
generator; forceful, energetic person
Dynamo (technical)
a generator of current
Dunamis (Greek)