Section 14-All N's, O's Flashcards
Nadir (n)
low point, perigree
Nascent (adj)
coming to being; in early development stages
Natty (adj)
neat and tidy; dapper
Nebulous (adj)
vague, cloudy, lacking clearly defined form
Nebulous (relating to nebula)
body of interstellar dust or gas
Neologism (n)
a new word, expression, or usage; the creation or use of new words or senses
Neophyte (n)
a recent convert; a beginner; novice
a beginner or novice
Nexus (n)
a connection, tie, or link; center or focus
Nice (adj)
exacting, extremely or even excessively precise; done with delicacy or skill
Noisome (adj)
offensive, especially to one’s sense of small, fetid
smelling extremely unpleasant
Nonplussed (adj)
baffled, in a quandry, at a loss for what to say, do or think
Nostrum (n)
cure-all, placebo, questionable remedy
Noxious (adj)
harmful; injurious
Obdurate (adj)
unyielding, hardhearted, inflexible