Section 3-Arabesque-Auspice Flashcards
arabesque (n)
- an ornamental design consisting of intertwined flowing lines, originally found in Arabic or Moorish decoration.
- (Ballet) a posture in which the body is supported on one leg, with the other leg extended horizontally backward.
of arab descent
(forming adjectives) in style of or resembling the other part of the word
Arcane (adj)
Mysterious, abstruse, esoteric, Knowable only to initiates; understood by few; mysterious or secret
Arca (Latin)
Chest (i.e. Deep)
Arcere (Latin)
to shut up
Deep secrets (Arcanum=singular)
intended to be understood by a small group of people within a certain knowledge or subject area
Archaic (adj)
outdated; associated with an earlier, perhaps more primitive time; old-fashioned
Arduous (adj)
strenuous, taxing, requiring significant effort
forming adjectives
Arrant (adj)
impudent (showing lack of respect); in every way, being completely such; utter
Errant (adj)
straying from the proper course or standards (i.e. aberrant)
Arrest (v)
to suspend; engage; seize; stop or check; attract the attention of
Restare (Latin)
remain, stop, to rest
Holding ones attention
variant form of “ad”-to add to
Articulate (v)
to enunciate or pronounce clearly; to express oneself clearly; having joints or jointed segments
Articulus/Articulate (Latin)
small connecting point; divide into joints, utter distinctly
Collate (v)
to combine/bring together
Artless (adj)
Completely without guile; natural, without artificiality; without deception; without skill or finesse
Artful (adj)
Clever, skillful, cunning, deceptive; (On GRE, less common meaning of showing Art or skill)
Ascetic (n)
one who practices rigid self-denial, especially as an act of religious devotion; austere; stark
Severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance
severe or bare in appearance or outline; complete; stiff, rigid, or incapable of movement
Adherence to or belief in ascetic practices (i.e. self-denial for religious purposes)
Asperity (n)
Severity; rigor; roughness, harshness; acrimony, irritability, stark; harshness in tone or manner (Kattie on Feb 18 to Sean :-) )
Acrimony (n)
Bitterness or ill feeling
Acer (Latin)
pungent, sharp, acrid
Acrid (adj)
having an irritatingly strong and unpleasant taste or smell
Aspersion (n)
An attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something
Variant of “ad”
Assiduous (adj)
diligent, hard-working; showing great care & perseverance
Assuage (v)
to ease or lesson; to appease or pacify; Abate; make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense. **Only with things that cause pain or distress
Astringent (adj)
having a tightening effect on living tissue; harsh; severe
Stringere (Latin)
bind, pull tight (ex. Witch hazel)
Stringent (adj)
drawing tight
Attenuate (v)
reduce the force, effect, or physical thickness
rarefy (v)
to make rare; make less dense; thinned
Audacious (adj)
daring and fearless; reckless boldness
the quality of being daring & fearless
Augury (n)
A sign of what will happen in the future; An omen
Augur (v)
to predict
Auspice (n)
Protection or support, patronage
support given by a patron
Patron (french)
Protector, advocate
A sign or warning that something; especially memorable is likely to happen
Auspicious (adj)
Conducive to success; favorable; prosperous
Austere (adj)
Without adornment; bare; severely simple in manner, appearance, or attitude; (2) Rigid economy (followed by the word measures); ascetic
Avarice (n)
greed, especially for wealth
Avaricious (adj)
Aver (v)
to state as a fact; to confirm or support; state or assert the case
Verus (Latin)
Axiom (n)
a universally recognized principle; a generally accepted or common saying
Axiomatic (adj)
generally accepted or taken as a given
Espouse (v)
adopt or support (cause, belief, or way of life); think “supporting your spouse”
Hedonism (n)
the pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence
Hedone (Greek)
Arduus (Latin)
steep, difficult
Auspice (secondary definition)
Sign or portent (warning)
August (adj)
majestic, venerable
Venerat- (Latin)
accorded a great deal of respect