Section 10-All F's Flashcards
Facetious (adj)
humorous; not serious; flippant
Fallacy (n)
an invalid or incorrect notion; a mistaken belief
Fallow (adj)
untilled, inactive, dormant
Fanatical (adj)
zealous; single-mindedly obsessed with one thing
originated from Latin word for temple because possession by a god or demon could cause someone to behave fanatically; a religious maniac
Fatous (adj)
silly, inanely foolish; also has a connotation of smugness to go along with the foolishness
Fawn (v)
to flatter or praise excessively
Feckless (adj)
ineffectual; irresponsible
(of a person) lacking the ability or qualities to cope with a role or situation
Felicitous (adj)
apt; suitably expressed, well chosen, apropos; delightful
very appropriate to a particular situation
state of or something that causes happiness
unfortunate or inappropriate
Fell (n)
a barren or stony hill; an animal’s hide
Fell (v)
to cut down
Fell (adj)
cruel, savage, or lethal
Fervent (adj)
greatly emotional or zealous
passion or intense emotion
Fetid (adj)
stinking, having a heavy bad smell
Fetter (v)
to shackle, put in chains, restrain
shackles that are used to bind someone’s feet or ankles together, figuratively: anything that restrains
free or unhampered
Filibuster (n)
intentional obstruction, usually using prolonged speechmaking to delay legislative action, stalling
Filibuster (v)
to obstruct
Filigree (n)
an ornamental work, especially of delicate lacelike patterns; resembling such a pattern
Filigree (v)
Flag (v)
to sag or droop, to become spiritless, to decline
remaining strong
Flip (adj)
sarcastic, impertinent
Flippant (adj)
not showing a serious or respectful attitude
Flippancy (noun)
Florid (adj)
flushed with color, ruddy, ornate
Flout (v)
to demonstrate contempt for
Foment (v)
to stir up, incite, rouse
Ferment (v)
1) to incide, stir up 2)undergo fermentation
Forbearance (n)
patience, willingness to wait
Forbearance (legal term)
creditor’s agreement not to demand payment of a debt when it is due
Forebear (n) (secondary definition)
an acestor
Ford (v)
to wade across the shallow part of a river or stream
Forestall (v)
to act in a way to hinder, exclude, or prevent an action; to circumvent or thwart
Forswear (v)
to renounce, disallow, repudiate
deny the truth or validity of
Fortuitous (adj)
happening by fortunate accident or chance
Fracas (n)
noisy fight or quarrel, brawl
Fractious (adj)
quarrelsome, rebellious, unruly, cranky
Froward (adj)
intractable, not willing to yield or comply, stubbornly disobedient
Fulminate (v)
to attack loudly or denounce
Furtive (adj)
marked by stealth; covert; surreptitious
kept secret, especially since it wouldn’t be approved of