SDL-Using routine data Flashcards
What are the two main souces of data?
Primary data - collected yourself through direct obeservation e.g. results in a paper
Routinely collected data - Colloceted by government from surveys etc. or from hospital records
What are the advantages and disavantages of primary and routine data?
Primary data is expensive and time consuming to collect but it is tailored to research question and the quality is controlled.
Routinely collected data is very low cost and easy to manipulate but is not tailored to your area of research and may have missing info.
What is spacial dimension when refering to routinely collected data?
This is the geographical area that contains the population being studied. Populations should be clearly defined and are usually done by strataegic health authorities or primary care trusts.
What is demography?
Characteristics of a population e.g. age, sex, ethnicity etc.
How can socioeconomic status be determined?
Can be judged on where someone lives from the cencus data or their primary care needs as health is almost always linked to socioeconomic status.
How is data on mortality obtained?
Death registration has been compulsory since 1837. Must put on cause of death so this can be includede in stats.
Where can health data be obtained?
Hospital records Primary care records A and E data Pathology data Health protection agency Ambulance services Cancer