Scope of practice and risks Flashcards
What can dental nurses not do that cannot be done even under prescription?
Diagnose and treatment plan
What is the one task that orthodontic therapists can do that isn’t under prescription?
They do everything under prescription except recording IOTN.
What can orthodontic therapists never do regardless of prescription?
Modify arch wires, give LA, scaling, recement crowns, place temp dressing, diagnose or treatment plan.
What can dental therapists do without prescription?
Can do everything a hygienist does as well as restore primary and secondary teeth, carry out pulpotomy, extract primary teeth and place preformed crowns on primary teeth.
What can dental technicians do without prescription?
Can repair dentures direct to members of public
What can clinical dental technicians do?
They can provide complete denture direct to patients but cannot provide anything that involves teeth.
What is statutory duty of candour?
Since 2014 all nhs primary care staff must recognise and report serious events including never events to CQC, NRLS, PHE or HSE/HUS (Scotland)
What is the risk from a BW/PA X-ray?
What is the risk from a OPG?
What is the risk of developing cancer using effective dose from dental X-ray for males and females?
- 1:50,000 per mSv
- 1:18,000 per mSv
What is absorbed dose?
Mean energy imparted to a unit of mass of tissue by radiation (grays)
What is equivalent dose?
The absorbed dose is weighted to take account of the type of radiation (mSv)
What is the effective dose?
Weighted to take account both radiation type and radio sensitivity of the tissue/organ being irradiated (Sv or mSv)
What is the effective dose for BW/PA, OPG and CBCT?
- 0.3-21.6mSv
- 2.7-38mSv
- 11-214mSv
What is the increased risk from smoking and alcohol for development of OSCC?
Synergistic effect
38x more likely to develop SCC