Medical emergencies Flashcards
What medication is used for suspected MI or unstable angina non responsive to GTN?
Aspirin 300mg dispersive tablet
What are the properties of aspirin?
Reduces platelet aggregation, slows clotting cascade, anti pyretic, anti inflammatory and has analgesic properties.
What medication is used for suspected anaphylaxis?
Adrenaline 1ml ampoules for 0.5ml syringe 1:1000 solution
- intramuscular injection using Z tract techniques and repeat after 5mins
What are the 2 main properties of adrenaline?
Powerful vasoconstrictor and bronchodilator
What medication is used for a patient suffering from a hypoglycaemic event that is unresponsive/unconscious?
Glucagon 1mg IM injection and then Oral glucose Gel 25mg when consciousness returns
What medication is used for suspected angina attack?
2 puffs of 400microgram sublingual GTN spray - repeated after 3mins if chest pain remains
How does GTN spray work?
It is a vasodilator for symptomatic relief meaning arteries and veins will dilate allowing more blood to flow making BP and preload reduce.
What medication is used for a mild-moderate asthma attack?
4 puffs of 100microgram metered dose salbutamol (short acting beta2agonist) inhaler through large volume spacer and repeat if needed
What is the difference in Tx for a patient with a severe asthma attack?
Use spacer device and fill with 10puffs of salbutamol inhaler - use for no more than 20sec to prevent breathing own CO2 and place pt back on oxygen 15l/min - no response after 5mins transfer to hosp
What medication is used for a patient suffering from a convulsive seizure lasting 5mins?
Midazolam oromucosal solution 10mg in 1ml (5mg/ml) placed into mouth with syringe.
What medication is used for an adrenal crisis?
Administer patients hydrocortisone emergency IM kit 100mg
What are the signs of red flag sepsis?
Systolic BP <90mmHg HR >130bpm RR>25min Temp >38 Oxygen sats <92% Non balancing rash/mottled/cyanotic skin Not passed or very little urine passing Rigours/confusion/exhausted/hot-cold
What are the signs of a stroke?
Facial weakness: - trouble smiling - can close eye and wrinkle forehead on both sides Arm weakness speech problems
Your practice has an oxygen cylinder CD size. How long will this last at 15l/min?
What drug is used to reverse opioid overdose?
What drug is used for LA toxicity overdose?
Lipid emulsion therapy 20%
- intralipid