Science 9- Biological diversity unit test Flashcards
How many chromosomes are in the human body cell in total
HOw many unique chromosones in gametes do we have
What are gametes
Sex cells
How many chromosones are given from the mother
HOw many chromosones are given from the father
What does DNA stand for
deoxyribonucleic acid
What is a heritable trait
A trait that is passed down from your parents or past generations ex. eye colour, freckles
What is a non heritable trait
A trait that does not come from genetics or past generation ex.tattoos and peircings
What is a non heritable trait
A trait that does not come from genetics or past generation ex. tattoos and peircings
What are some organisoms that produce sexually
Humans, mammals, lions
Examples of organisms that produce asexually
Sea stars, stick insects, garlic
Examples of organisms that produce both asexually and sexually
sea anemones, some starfish, daffodils
Advantages of asexual reproduction
Does not require specialized cells, can produce lots of individuals quickly, does not require a minimum population
Disadvantages of asexual reproduction
if there are bad conditions, the entire population could be wiped out, limiting the variation within a species
What are some advantages of sexual reproduction
Provides lots of variations which helps a species survive environmental change, increases the diversity of organisms
What are some disadvantages of sexual reproduction
Requires a lot of energy whuch means a fewer number of offspring, requires finding a partner, requires specialized sex cells, requires a minimum population to reproduce
What is an Allele
A possible form of a gene, for example the allele for eye colour would include brown eyes, green eyes, etc.
What is a hybrid
An organism produced by crossing two purebred individuals for different forms of a trait (ex. white fur cat x black fur cat)
What is a genome
All of the genetics
The set of alleles that an organism carries (ex. BB, Bb, bb)
Whats a phenotype
The physical appearance of an organism which are determined by the alleles present. THe results of the genotypes. For example, Brown eyes(BB) or blue eyes(bb)
What are the three types of symbiosis?
Commensilim, mutualism and parasitism
Examples of mutualism,
ox pecker and rhino or zebra
examples of parasitism
Leeches and humans
Example of commensalism
Bird nests in tree
Artificial insemination;
artificial collection of sperm and the injection from a male into a female
THe process of creating a clone( a genetically identical copy of an entire organism or its cells or genes)
What is invitro fertilization
Fertilization that happens outside of the body
What is genetic engineering
The intention of altering DNA of an organism or population of organisms (ex. Inserting a gene from one species into another species)
What is artificial selection
Breeding by humans of plants and animals with desirable traits to produce offspring with desirable traits
Examples of genetic engineering
artificial insemination, in vitro feritlization, artificial selection
What is DNA
genetic material found daily in the nuclei of cells of living things
What are base pairs of DNA
What DNA base pairs are alwasy paired together
A and T are always paired together and C an G are always paired together
What is binary fission
single cell organisms like bacteria dividing. when a parent cell devices into 2 identical cells
WHat is mitosis
Type of cell devision tha produces two identical daughter cells from one parent cell
WHat is mitosis
Type of cell division that produces two identical daughter cells from one parent cell
What is meiosis
type of cell devision that produces cells with only half the DNA of a normal cell
What is a dominant trait
A trait that appears more frequently than another trait resulting from interactions between gene alleles. wheb two opposite acting alleles are inherited
What is a recessive trait
A trait only expressed when a genotype is homozygous. form observed when two same acting, non dominant alleles are inherited
What is a punnet square
Is a diagram that is used to predict the genotypes of the offspring od two organisms
Whats incomplete dominance
The pattern of inheritance when 2 different traits are present buy neither is dominant or recessive (ex. one parent with curly hair and one parent with straight hair = a kid with wavy hair
Co dominance:
Both alleles are equally dominant. Example: A red and white flower= a pink flower
What is a niche
Role of an organism within an ecosystem
What is a generalist niche
fills many roles, usually lives in a broad territory and has a broad niche
What is a specialist niche
only has a few roles, lives in a small amount of territory and has a narrow niche
WHat is discrete variation:
variation in a heritable characteristic that has a for such as being albino or not albino. you either have it or you dont
WHat is continuous variation
Variation in a heritable characteristic taht fall within a range and can be measured such as height
broad niche
less specific and less limited, able to withstand numerous conditions, generalist
narrow niche:
specific and limited, needs a specific set of conditions for survival, specialist
What is asexual reproduction
reproduction without the fusion of sex cells resulting in identical offspring and parent
What is budding
asexual reproduction in which a new organism develops from an outgrowth or bud on the parent and is identical to the parent. ex. coral
What is spore production
A cell produced by asexual reproduction by the division of cells by the parent not by the union of 2 cells
What is vegetative reproduction
type of asexual reproduction in plants that does not involve the formation of a seed
Sexual reproduction
Reproduction involving the exchange of genetic material and gametes between two individuals resulting in offspring that are different from the parent
union of a female and male sex cell
the joining of the gametes. it has 46 chromosomes(23 from egg, 23 from sperm)
An undeveloped organism in its early development (all cells in an embryo have 46 chromosomes)
Examples of types of asexual reproduction
binary fission, budding, spore production and vegetative reproduction
Structural adaptations:
Physical features of an organism to help them adapt to its environment ie. camouflage
behavioral adaptations:
Something an animal does in response to a stimulus in order to survive ie. hibernation
Abiotic ecosystems
the non living parts of an ecosystem that shapes its environment
biotic ecosystem
the living parts of an ecosystem
Whats an ecosystem
a geographic area where plants animals and other organisms and well as weather and landscape work together to form a bubble of life
populations of different species living in the same area
group of individuals of the same species living in the same area
biological diversity:
all different types of organisms on earth
resource partitioning
a process of natural selection that will force competitors to use resources differently
the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution
Ex situ conservation:
conservation outside of the habitat
In situ conservation:
conservation within the habitat
Where are the greated amount of species richness in our world
tropical rainforests and coral reef marine sytems
mendelian inheritance:
certain patterns of how traits are passes from parents to offspring
Variation within a species
the difference between individuals from the same species
Examples of variations within a species
The size of a fish’s mouth determines the size of food it can eat. Different colour coats blend in with different environments
How species variation allows species to survive
it can introduce different traits, these traits can help the individual survive and reproduce
What is interspecies competition
When two or more species need the same resources. this is NOT parasitism
What is natural selection
when the environment selects which individuals will survive long enough to reproduce
How does the environment affect variation
Different interactions with the environment can result in the variation of a species (ex., plant in the sun vs plant in the shade or height or weight being affected by diet)
WHat is a species
a group of organisms that have the same structure and can reproduce with one another