Schools- Childhood Flashcards
Rules and regulations
Subject matter
topic, content
a course, especially of study at school or university: They are changing the curriculum.
برنامه آموزشی
♦ noun
1 a teacher of a group of students in a college or university.
استاد راهنما
2 a privately-employed teacher: His parents employed a tutor to teach him Greek.
Remember a lot of information in a short time
If you are cramming for an examination, you are learning as much as possible in a short time just before you take the examination. She was cramming for her Economics exam.
cramming uncount noun It would take two or three months of cramming to prepare for Vermont’s bar exam.
جریمه: penalty, fine, forfeit, forfeiture, surcharge, mulct
reward, remuneration, compensation, fee, gratuity, meed
[as·sess || ə’ses]
estimate, appraise (an object’s value)
Something that is monotonous is very boring because it has a regular, repeated pattern which never changes. It’s monotonous work, like most factory jobs.
- stimulating interest or thought; “a challenging hypothesis”; “a thought-provoking book”
(synonym) challenging
[au·thor·i·tar·i·an || ɔː‚θɒrɪ’teərɪən]
despotic, dictatorial, disciplinarian
calm and relaxed; loving comfort and ease; inactive, lazy
Off by heart
Remember 100%
We had to learn our lessons off by heart.
Off the top of one’s head
Without any help
We had to recite famous stories off the top of our heads.
Come down like a tone of bricks
Punish severely
My math teacher used to come down on us like a ton of bricks if we couldn’t work out some problems.
اجباری: compulsory, compulsive, mandatory, coercive
Pupil /ˈpjuː.pəl/
a person who is being taught by a teacher or tutor: The school has 2,000 pupils
pupil (STUDENT) /ˈpjuː.pəl/
noun [C]
1 a person, especially a child at primary school, who is being taught:
a second-year pupil
a primary-school pupil
The school has over 400 pupils.
There is a very relaxed atmosphere between staff and pupils at the school.
Her school report described her as a very promising pupil.
Literacy skills are the building blocks for every academic subject. So why not get a head start?
Literacy is the ability to read and write. Many adults have problems with literacy and numeracy.
Numeracy is the ability to do arithmetic. Six months later John had developed literacy and numeracy skills, plus confidence.
truant /ˈtruː.ənt/
noun [C]
a child who is regularly absent from school without permission
A number of pupils have been truanting regularly.
(to sb/sth) a strong feeling of not liking sb/sth:
a strong aversion @ He had an aversion to getting up early. * feelings of aversion and disgust
@I felt an instant aversion to his parents.
@She has a deep aversion to getting up in the morning.
@Greed is my pet aversion (= the thing I dislike most of all).
to the best of my recollection
From what my memory tells me:
To the best of my recollection I have never seen her before.
Critical thinking (N)
the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement.
back-to-school “sales”
mark down
Many stores
have back-to-school “sales” (periods of time when things cost less than they
usually do) where they “mark down” (reduce the price on) clothing. Parents buy
new clothes for their children who have “outgrown” (become too bit to wear) their
old clothes
pick out
Junior high= middle school
senior high
middle school
(United States)
we have most schools divided into “elementary,” which is grades
one, two, three, four, five, and usually six. We have “middle school,” which is
typically grades seven and eight, or six, seven, and eight. This used to be called,
when I was in school, “junior high,” and in some places it is. Some people call it
“middle school,” some people call it “junior high.” The grades after that – 9, 10,
11, and 12 – are called “senior high.” Every city in the United States is a little
different. It sounds strange, but every city – every local area has its own school
organization, but generally speaking, junior high is for those children who are
ages 12, 13, maybe 14.
folder index card Ruled paper three-ring binder crayon construction paper
three-ring binder – a large piece of plastic that is folded like a large book and
has three metal rings in the middle to hold and protect pieces of paper that each
have three holes cut in them
* Kamisha has a very well-organized three-ring binder where she keeps all of the
papers that her teachers give her.
crayon – a small, long piece of colored wax, similar to a pen or pencil, that is
used to draw or make other marks on a piece of paper