Food & Retaurants Flashcards
An eatery is a place where you can buy and eat food. …one of the most elegant old eateries in town
They’re at the eatery looking at the menu.
snack bar, fast food restaurant
[cui·sine || kwiː’ziːn]
style of cooking
Do you like French cuisine?
French cuisine is excellent.
Speciality dish
What’s the restaurant’s speciality
A delicacy is a rare or expensive food that is considered especially nice to eat. Smoked salmon was considered an expensive delicacy.
style or mode of decoration, as of a room, building, or the like: modern office décor; a bedroom having a Spanish décor.
A particular setting is a particular place or type of surroundings where something is or takes place. Rome is the perfect setting for romance.
Eat out
(e.g.: “I don’t feel like cooking tonight, let’s eat out”)
Dine out
(Formal) When you dine, you have dinner. He dines alone most nights.
eat at a restaurant
Let’s dine out for a change.
Feast on
If you feast on a particular food, you eat a large amount of it with great enjoyment. They feasted well into the afternoon on mutton and corn stew.
If you sample food or drink, you taste a small amount of it in order to find out if you like it. We sampled a selection of different bottled waters.
Let me sample your cake.
Regional is used to describe things which relate to a particular area of a country or of the world. The Garden’s menu is based on Hawaiian regional cuisine.
[swank·y || ‘swæŋkɪ]
elegant, classy; luxurious
(Informal) If you describe something as swanky, you mean that it is fashionable and expensive. …one of the swanky hotels that line the Pacific shore at Acapulco
[‘pɑʃ /’pɒʃ]
(Slang) luxurious, opulent, elegant; richly furbished, spiffy
He lives in a posh apartment near Central Park.
He was the poshest person!!!
able to be purchased or acquired at relatively little cost: low-cost life insurance; low-cost housing
I don’t believe in low-carb diets.
This is a low-calorie muffin
not sophisticated; simple; artless.
Not as good as it’s cracked up to be
Not as good as people say
Lots of posh restaurants are not as good as they’re cracked up to be.
Run of the mill
Average , typical
In my neighbourhood there are quite a few run of the mill eateries.
Set you Back
Set sb. Back
Cost sb. An amount of money
The swanky restaurants will set you back quite a lot of money.
[hɔrd /hɔːd]
large amount, mass, crowd; nomadic group of people; swarm, pack
Connection to culture
The food that we have with friends,this is connection to culture and this creates awesome conversation at dinner table.
[fla·vor || ‘fleɪvə(r)]
taste; particular or specific taste
This is super awesome to not only talk about the food and explore different ideas and flavors, but culture as well,because the food that we have with friends. This is connection to culture.
Bursting with flavor
Extremely delicious , full of flavor
I eat clam chowder once in a blue moon because it’s so fatty, but it’s bursting with flavor.
Opposite of sweet, usually salty
When I’m in the mood for something savory, I usually get a bag of potato chips to snack on.
Snack on
Do we have anything I can snack on?
Feels like a brick is sitting on my gut
Feeling of being very full
A bit uncomfortable
Thanksgiving dinner was incredible, but now I feel like there’s a brick sitting in my gut.
(1 the gut, liver, kidneys etc .
دل و روده
2 courage: He’s got a lot of guts.
دل و جرأت)
Portions in the States are so huge, that plates you get at restaurants are heaping with food.
Sparkling conversation
With, charming, lively talk
There was sparkling conversation from beginning to end. I hadn’t seen my friends in a while, so there was a lot to talk about.
Only eating food that a caveman could have found( meat, vegetables, fruit, plants, no processed food)
The restaurant has some paleo options, such as the roast beef and mashed potatoes.
Whole 30
Similar to paleo, but more restrictive. This is a 30 day eating cleanse.
I’m doing the Whole 30 right bow, so I’m eating a lot of sweet potatoes and veggies.
Cleanse-klenz- something which cleans, especially a cosmetic used to clean the face.
Veggies-‘vedʒɪ]- plant
Edible substances
If something is edible, it is safe to eat and not poisonous. …edible fungi.
(Formal) Sustenance is food or drink which a person, animal, or plant needs to remain alive and healthy. The state provided a basic quantity of food for daily sustenance, but little else.
[mut·ton || ‘mʌtn]
meat taken from full-grown sheep
to cook (meat, fruit etc ) by slowly boiling and simmering: She stewed apples; The meat was stewing in the pan.
[ran·cid || ‘rænsɪd]
spoiled, rotten, decomposed; moldy, musty, mildewed
If butter, bacon, or other oily foods are rancid, they have gone bad and taste old and unpleasant. Butter is perishable and can go rancid.
National dish
We have a national dish which is similar to Western’s Steak but made in a unique way
making one very hungry because something is delicious,making one want to eat something.
When they walked into the kitchen, they commented on the mouthwatering smell of dinner cooking.
delicious,very pleasant
that was a delectable soup.Could you please give me the recipe so that I can make it at home?
your food is mouthwatering and delectable.
average, not special or good
Chuck was always a mediocre student, earning Bs and Cs.
ordinary, normal, and not very interesting
just like every other thing
He paid a lot of money to go to the conference, so he was disappointed that it was just another run-of-the-mill event where he didn’t really learn anything new.
She could say that this is a run-of-the-mill restaurant with mediocre food that she wouldn’t even feed to her cat.
taste buds
the very small spots on one’s tongue that let one sense flavors .
her taste buds will thank you for your delectable food.
very good food made with the best ingredients and cooking techniques.
Tomas makes gourmet desserts, using only the best and most expensive chocolate.
to put all of (one’s) eggs in one basket
to put all of one’s efforts, energy, money or time into a single project or task. so that if it fails , one fails.
I know you have been working really hard on the project but don’t put all your eggs in one basket. it would be safer to work on several other projects at the same time, just in case this project fails.
one part of a meal such as an appetizer, a soup or salad, an entrée , or a dessert
The main course was lasagna, followed by a delicious tiramisu dessert.
the main course of a meal.
synonyms: main course, main dish, main meal
“there is a choice of half a dozen entrées on the menu”
to stuff (one’s) face
- to eat a lot of something very quickly; to eat too much
* Katrina stuffed her face at the party and now her stomach hurts.
to watch what (one) eats
to try to eat healthy foods, usually so that one can
lose weight or become healthier
* The doctor said she must watch what she eats and try to eat less salt.
to hand (someone) (something)
to give something to someone; to pass
something to someone
* Could you please hand me the phone? Thanks.