Festival Flashcards
Talk about an important festival or national holiday in your country. You should say:
• when it is celebrated •
how it is held
- if it symbolises something
- and explain why it is so special to you.
Talk about your country. You should say: • what cities have the most number of tourists
• what your advice is for someone planning to visit your country.
• what could be done to attract more number of tourists.
• and explain what changes you think your
country might see in tourist industry
Describe a traditional garment from your country. You should say: • what it is, and made of • whether it is worn only on special occasions or not
• how you would you describe it • and explain what you like most about it.
Describe a popular food from your country. You should say:
• what it is • • •
how often you eat it
what the main ingredients are
and say if it is served only on special occasions.
Describe a celebration you attended and enjoyed. You should say: • where it was celebrated • what the purpose of the celebration was • who you celebrated with, and describe some activities that you did as part of the celebration
• and explain why it was so enjoyable for you.
ielts-simon.com: IELTS Speaking
1) How easy is it to find a place to live in your country?
Well, it depends on how much money you are able to spend and where exactly you want to live. Of course, if you have the money, it’s very easy to find a place to live. However, house prices have been on the rise in recent years, and it is becoming difficult for young adults to buy their first homes, or even to pay rental prices in some areas, particularly in central London.
2) Do you think it’s better to rent or to buy a place to live in?
3) Do you agree that there is a right age for young adults to stop living with their parents?
Versatile Vocabs
for culture
1 (of a person) able to do many different things:
He’s a versatile actor who has played a wide variety of parts.
2 (of food, a building, etc.) having many different uses:
Eggs are easy to cook and are an extremely versatile food.
versatility noun [U]:
She is a designer of extraordinary versatility.
- In my colture … (simple one)
- It is not uncommon in my country ….. (double negative… ) for people to …..
- Well, where I am from people generally eat cereal for breakfast…
- ubiquitous : something ubiquitous in my country is … (starbox)
- (interesting vocab) Folks : It’s not unusual for folks in my hometown to watch the car races on the weekend
Folks :people, especially those of a particular group or type:
Cue card
Every year during the second half of May, festival of Rose and Rose Water is being held in Kashan. Many people from different parts of the country and abroad visit Kashan, the hub of Mohammadi Rose in Iran.
The season for picking rose and preparing rosewater is from early May to mid-June.
In early May, the scent of rose spreads over different areas of Kashan, such as Qamsar Joshqan Qali, Barzak and Niasar.
The ceremony for making rosewater in Kashan attracts many tourists. Every day, some 80,000 people tour various cities of Kashan for this traditional ceremony.
The arrival of tourists in the districts of Kashan has a positive impact on the region’s economy.
Rose water is made from a very sweet smelling kind of rose and is used in various traditional dishes and sweets. It is also used as a perfume among Muslims. Although some modern mechanized factories are constructed, but still a large part of this, let say industry, is done traditionally. And this traditional rose water production which is established at homes or gardens attracts tourists to Kashan. Historical monuments and architecture of Kashan adds to the popularity of this festival too.
The people of Ghamsar collect roses, boil them in special pots and collect their water in beautiful containers. It is a pride for the city that each year, the most sacred place on earth, Kaaba (Mecca), is washed with rose water from Ghamsar.
The ancient city of Ghamsar is like a shining star on the central Iranian desert.
Surrounding mountains encircle it like a ring and protect its rose gardens against the heat of the desert. The environment of this garden city, the shade of trees and sound of flowing water in addition to music of birds and nightingales and fragrance of roses, has created an incredible milieu on the side of the desert.
The garden city of Ghamsar is a patch of Paradise which becomes colorful as the spring begins. Its beauty is doubled when rose water ceremony commences and its hospitable people play host to millions of people who love nature and rose water of Ghamsar.
Mohammadi Rose (Rosa damascene or Damask rose) is among the most important roses in the world and among the most famous plants.
Because of its extraordinary fragrance and diversity, this flower is planted in many parts of the world. The flower has applications in food, medicine and perfume industries.
Production of rosewater in Iran dates back to over 2,500 years. At present, Mohammadi Rose is produced in Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, India, Ukraine, the US, Canada, France, Britain and Japan. The first four countries are pioneers in the production of this flower.
In Iran, Mohammadi Rose grows in the provinces of Fars, Kerman, Isfahan as well as East and West Azarbaijan.
Out of all rose species, the Iranian red flower or Mohammadi flower is unique and most botanists have opined that it has been first planted in Iran and then taken to other countries.
Experts maintain that Ghamsar has been a place for producing flower and rose water since a long time ago. Some believe that under Malekshah the Seljuk, when Miyandeh Mosque of Ghamsar was built, representative of an East Roman officials picked some roses from the slopes of Kouh Asbi mountain near Ghamsar and took them to Damascus (which was called Damask in those times) to be grown. This is why Iranian red flower is sometimes called Damask rose in English.
Although production of plant essences has a long history in Iran, but traditional rose water production machines were used to produce rose water for commercial purposes. Before that, rose water was produced through small distillation equipment for local uses. Anyway, production of rose water has been in vogue since ancient time and has sometimes led to prosperity of copper, glass making and packaging industries. Most of the local product is exported to other parts of the country and, therefore, despite most handicrafts, it has held its ground in contemporary times and has constantly improved in terms of quality and quantity.
Another outcome of that situation was spread of the industry to neighboring villages of Ghamsar and even to other provinces during past decades. The emphasis put on Ghamsar is due to high quality of its rose water which results from natural conditions of the city.
The city has been and still is the main production center for the highest quality rose water as a result of its natural and climatic conditions. According to a study carried out by professors of Tehran University, the essence of Mohammadi flower of Ghamsar and the subsequent rose water has a concentration of 35 mg per 100 ml or 350 ppm, which makes it the finest and highest quality rose water in Iran and even in the world.
A celebration is a special enjoyable event that people organize because something pleasant has happened or because it is someone’s birthday or anniversary. I can tell you, there was a celebration in our house that night
Festivity is the celebration of something in a happy way. There was a general air of festivity and abandon. It is a season of rejoicing and festivity all over the country.
A reunion is a party attended by members of the same family, school, or other group who have not seen each other for a long time. The association holds an annual reunion.
Family get-toghether
family gathering This is a time of year when people get together with family and friends to observe Passover and to celebrate Easter.
A ritual is a religious service or other ceremony which involves a series of actions performed in a fixed order. This is the most ancient, and holiest of the Shinto rituals. [ˈriCHo͞oəl] noun - ritual تشریفات: formality, p
[leg·end || ‘ledʒənd] story that has been handed down over generations and cannot be proved to be true or fictitious, tale, myth, fable;
African folklore is very interesting. Folklore is the traditional stories, customs, and habits of a particular community or nation. In Chinese folklore the bat is a symbol of good fortune.
If people are reunited, or if they reunite, they meet each other again after they have been separated for some time. She and her youngest son were finally allowed to be reunited with their family You will be reunited with your family very soon, and in good health
[re·vis·it || ‚rɪː’vɪzɪt] visit again, call upon again, go and see another time to go to and stay with (a person or family) or at (a place) for a short time for reasons of sociability, politeness, business, curiosity, etc.: to visit a friend; to visit clients; to visit Paris.
Pay one’s respect to
honor, give respect to A child should pay honor and respect to his parents at every age
Someone who is cheerful is happy and shows this in their behavior. Paddy was always cheerful and jolly.
(Formal) Customary is used to describe things that people usually do in a particular society or in particular circumstances. It is customary to offer a drink or a snack to guests.
A time-honored tradition or way of doing something is one that has been used and respected for a very long time.
Push the boat out
Have a party We really push the boat out during spring festival celebrations.
Make merry
Drink and eat People always make merry on New year’s Eve
Slap-up meal
Big meal There is usually a customary slap-up meal.
In high spirits
Happy Every one is in high spirits just before midnight.
heritage heritages
A country’s heritage is all the qualities, traditions, or features of life there that have continued over many years and have been passed on from one generation to another.
- The historic building is as much part of our heritage as the paintings.
- the importance of preserving the national heritage
- beautiful old buildings which are part of our heritage
- These monuments are a vital part of the cultural heritage of Iran.
The Culture of Iran is a mix of ancient pre-Islamic culture and Islamic culture.Iranian culture has long been a predominant culture of the Middle East and Central Asia, with Persian considered the language of intellectuals during much of the 2nd millennium, and the language of religion and the populace before that.
“Iran” which is also Aran in Persian is derived from the ancient concept of Ariana meaning the Aryan or Arian land. Aria means “Liberal” by which Iranians called themselves in ancient times. Liberal-mindedness is among the salient features of Iranians. In fact they were the first nation to demand freedom of belief.
ranians have a brilliant background not only in culture and civilization, but also in religious affairs.
Islam has had many impacts on Iranian lifestyle and even influenced Iranian architecture in a manner that the Islamic and Iranian architectures are inextricable today.
the history, traditions and qualities that a country or society has had for many years and that are considered an important part of its character:
a pleasant taste or smell
the sweet savour of wood smoke
interest and enjoyment
Life seemed to have lost its savour for him.
1 : the taste or smell of something
2 : a particular flavor or smell
3 : a distinctive quality
/esˈθet.ɪk/ US /-ˈθeţ-/
1 relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty:
The new building has little aesthetic value/appeal.
2 describes an object or a work of art that shows great beauty:
furniture which is both aesthetic and functional
[only before noun] (formal) connected with cooking or food:
culinary skills / efforts / masterpieces * Savour the culinary delights of Mexico.
the region’s culinary delights (=food that tastes very good)
the culinary delights (= pleasant tasting food) of Beijing
My culinary skills are rather limited, I’m afraid (= I am not very good at cooking)!
2 [C] something that you eat, drink or use together with sth else:
These wines make a good accompaniment to most fish dishes.
3 [C] (formal) something that happens at the same time as another thing:
High blood pressure is a common accompaniment to this disease.
2 while sth else is happening:
She made her speech to the accompaniment of loud laughter.
Food in Iran is a fundamental part of Iranian Heritage. Their ingredients reflect the geography of Iran, while the savor and colors accent the aesthetic taste of Iranians. The cuisines are associated with so many social events- births, weddings, funerals; and many other ceremonies and rituals- that culinary traditions are intertwined with a country’s history and religion.
Chelo-Kabab or Chelow Kabab is the national dish of Iran. The meal is simple, consisting of steamed, saffroned Persian rice and kabab, of which there are several distinct Persian varieties. This dish is served throughout Iran today, but was traditionally associated with the northern part of the country.
Chelo-Kabab is served with the basic Iranian meal accompaniments, in addition to grilled tomatoes on the side of the rice, and butter on top of the rice.
However, it is unfortunate that chelo-kabab has not been registered as an international food.
1 ~ (of / from sth) an object, a tradition, etc. that has survived from a period of time that no longer exists:
The building stands as the last remaining relic of the town’s cotton industry. * The pictures on the walls were relics from the days before her marriage.
tale /teɪl/
noun [C]
a story, especially one which might be invented or difficult to believe:
He told some fascinating tales about his life in India.
She told me/invented/concocted a tale about missing the bus to explain her lateness.
epic /ˈep.ɪk/
noun [C]
a film, poem or book which is long and contains a lot of action, usually dealing with a historical subject:
It’s one of those old Hollywood epics with a cast of thousands.
rejuvenation /rɪˌdʒuː.vənˈeɪ.ʃən/
to make something work much better or become much better again
plans to rejuvenate the inner city areas
[usually passive]
to make someone look or feel young and strong again
I came back from holiday feeling rejuvenated.
anticipate /ænˈtɪs.ɪ.peɪt/
verb [T]
to imagine or expect that something will happen, sometimes taking action in preparation for it happening:
We don’t anticipate any trouble.
We had one or two difficulties along the way that we didn’t anticipate.
Are you anticipating a lot of people at the party tonight?
[+ ing form of verb] They anticipate having several applicants for the job.
[+ that] They anticipate that they will have several applicants for the job
It’s always best to anticipate a problem before it arises.
[+ question word] At this stage we can’t really anticipate what will happen.
immortal /ɪˈmɔː.təl/ US /-ˈmɔːr.ţəl/
1 living or lasting forever:
immortal God
2 very special and famous and therefore likely to be remembered for a long time:
In the immortal words of Samuel Goldwyn, “Include me out”.
spiritual /ˈspɪr.ɪ.tju.əl/
1 connected with the human spirit, rather than the body or physical things:
To my mind,’ Norooz’ is the most important national festival in my country.
In Iranian culture, the coming of new year-the first day of spring is called Norooz and celebrated by many rituals and traditions; cleaning houses, … er. .. giving gifts, making resolutions and good wishes, visiting the elders, relatives and … er. .. a great chance to renew acquaintance with old friends. It is customary to sit around ‘Haft Seen’ tablecloth, you know, Haft Seen is a traditional tablecloth, set and decorated with seven symbolic items beginning with the Persian letter ‘S ‘. In fact, each symbolic item represents a message. The celebration lasts for 13 days, and the last day of the ceremony is called ‘sizdahbcdar’ in which people go for picnics and enjoy the natural outdoors. Norooz is the celebration of life and symbolises renewal and freshness. It is highly respected by Iranians because it represents the history, beliefs and traditions of my country, now, it is celebrated in other countries too. I believe its everybody’s responsibility to make every effort to promote it and celebrate it as magnificently as possible.
Norooz (Nowruz) in Persian means “New day”. It is the beginning of the year for the peoples of Iran (Greater Iran, including: Afghanistan, Arran (Republic of Azerbaijan) and Central Asian Republics).
It begins precisely with the beginning of spring on vernal equinox, on or about March 21. Tradition takes Norooz as far back as 15,000 years–before the last ice age.
King Jamshid is said to be the person who introduced Norooz celebrations. Some 12 centuries later, in 487 B.C.E., Darius the Great of the Achaemenian dynasty celebrated the Norooz at his newly built Persepolis in Iran. On that day, the first rays of the rising sun fell on the observatory in the great hall of audience at 06-30 a.m., an event which repeats itself once every 1400-1 years. The Persepolis was the place the Achaemenian king received on Norooz, his peoples from all over the vast empire. The walls of the great royal palace depict the scenes of the celebrations.
Norooz is a relic of ancient times. A memory of old tales and epics, a celebration of rebirth and rejuvenation. Spring has arrived and the previous year with all its events, good or bad, has passed. Renewed hope anticipates new achievements.
After a sever winter, the beginning of spring was a great occasion with mother nature rising up in a green robe of colorful flowers and the cattle delivering their young. It was the dawn of abundance.
Today, the ceremony has been simplified. Every house gets a thorough cleaning almost a month before.
A symbolic illustration of Norouz is setting up a decorative table called, Haft-Sin in every home.
Haft-Sin has a rather complex history.
A major part of the New Year rituals is setting a special table with seven specific items present, Haft Sin (Haft chin, seven crops before Islam). In the ancient times each of the items corresponded to one of the seven creations and the seven holly immortals protecting them.
Today they are changed and modified but some have kept their symbolism.
Today the haft-Sin table includes seven items specifically starting with the letter S or Sîn (س in the Persian Alphabet). The items symbolically correspond to seven creations and holy immortals protecting them. The Haft-Sin has evolved over time, but has retained its symbolism of nature.
Traditionally, families attempt to set as beautiful a Haft-Sîn table as they can, as it is not only of traditional and spiritual values, but also appreciated by the visitors during Norouz visiting exchanges as a reflection of their good taste. The most common Haft Sin items are:
- sabzeh(سبزه) wheat, barley or lentil sprouts growing in a dish - symbolizing rebirth
- samanu (سمنو)- a sweet pudding made from wheat germ - symbolizing affluence
- senjed (سنجد)- the dried fruit of the oleaster tree - symbolizing love
- sîr (سیر)- garlic - symbolizing medicine
- sîb (سیب)- apples - symbolizing beauty and health
- somaq (سماق)- sumac berries - symbolizing (the color of) sunrise
- serkeh (سرکه)- vinegar - symbolizing age and patience
Although traditionally improper, a missing Sin is on occasion substituted with another item starting with an S. For example:
• sonbol (سنبل)- the fragrant hyacinth flower (the coming of spring)
• sekkeh (سکه)- coins (prosperity and wealth)
Other non-S items of historical, cultural or national patriotic significance on the table display may include:
• traditional Iranian pastries such as baghlava (باقلوا), toot (mulberry) (توت), naan-nokhodchi (chik-peas)(نان نخودچی)
• dried nuts and fruits, berries and raisins, called “Aajeel” (آجیل)
• lit candles (enlightenment and happiness)
• a mirror (self reflection and introspection)
• decorated eggs, one for each member of the family (fertility) colorfully painted boiled eggs like the “Easter eggs,”
• a bowl with goldfish (life, and the sign of Pisces which the sun is leaving)
• a crystal bowl of water with an orange in it (the earth floating in space)
• rose water for its magical cleansing powers
• the national colours, (green-white and red) for patriotic heritage
• the Shahnameh, the Divan of Hafez, Avesta, Kahyam’s Quatrain’s, or the Quran
Great Many Happy Norouz of the Day!