👭People ➕Family👨👩👧👧 Flashcards
Describe a person:
- Teacher
- Famous person
- Friend
- family member
- child
someone who helps people
someone who does something well
someone you admire
who ( apparance , personality)
what he/she does
when /how /where you met
how you know about this person
why you like/respect this person
Think of a theme for any person(friend,family, child, etc)
start with easy adjectives
search for better phrases or words
you will need to adap your ideas and improvise yor self on the test
noun [re·sem·blance || rɪ’zembləns] state of being alike, similarity; point of similarity; image, likeness There is no resemblance between…. Things: If one thing bears no resemblance or no relationship to another thing, they are not at all similar. Their daily menus bore no resemblance whatsoever to what they were actually fed. It bears a slight resemblance to ….
Adjectives to describe women s qualities:
Appreciative قدردان Attractive جالب, دلربا Charming جذاب Complaining شاکی Dependent وابسته, متکی Dreamy رویاپرداز Fickle بی وفا Feminine زنانه, لطیف Frivolous سبك سر Fussy جوشی, دیرپسند High strung بسیار حساس Mild انسان ملایم Nagging نق نقو Prudish خشک Softhearted دل رحم, رحیم Sophisticated فرهیخته Submissive مطیع Talkative پرحرف Humble فروتن خاکی Lavish ولخرج
Midlife crisis
Reflect on your life
He spent a lot of time reflecting on his life and regretting giving up music to get a full time job.( regret doing sth or not doing)
a wide variety/range of (phrase)
to have many options to choose from
Politeness To set good example (v)
to behave in a way that others should copy I guess similar to most people, I was raised to be a polite person by my parents. As I spent most of my time around them, they tried to set good example for me.
Well-mannered (adj)
polite, showing good manner
In a long run (phrase)
long term
Give hand
lend a hand. Help a person, as in Let me give you a hand with those chairs, or Jane is always willing to lend a hand with refreshments.
Chit-chat (noun)
light informal conversation for social occasions If I go out for a chit-chat with my friends, I will prefer the former one.
Hardworking theme
busy active
comes from his work ethic
counscientious /ˌkɒn.tʃiˈent.ʃəs/
someone you can count on
determined to success
someone who sees things through (want to finish things)
a good team player
likes to challenge him/her self
Example/stories to support
think of examples or stories to demonstrate each theme
My sister is hard-working ;
I remember when he used to get up at 5am to do some extra work before school…
Friendly theme
kind, caring
generous, unselfish
down-to-earth, easy going
always there when you need her
someone whoo cheers me up
a big/ magnetic personality
lights up the room
down-to-earth sensible and practical, in a way that is helpful and friendly:
She was friendly and down-to-earth and quickly put me at my ease.
taking care to do things carefully and correctly:
a conscientious student / teacher * He was thorough and conscientious, rather than brilliant.
conscientiously adverb:
She performed all her duties conscientiously.
باوجدان ،وظیفه شناس
=> con.sci.en.tious.ly
He studied conscientiously and enthusiastically.
determined to do sth in spite of difficulties, especially when other people are against you
continuing for a long period of time without interruption, or repeated frequently, especially in a way that is annoying and cannot be stopped:
American actor
Blazingly Defiant
film director, producer
Academy Award for Best Actor for midlife crisis-themed drama American Beauty
Dedicated the Oscar that he won for Best Actor in American Beauty (1999) to Jack Lemmon. Spacey has said in interviews that he based his performance of Lester Burnham on Lemmon’s C.C. Baxter in The Apartment
His Oscar-winning performance as…
Has never married or had children.
Recognizable drawling voice
to say or speak in a slow manner, usually prolonging the vowels.
Often plays deceptively intelligent and ruthless men
(deceptively :mendaciously
(so determined to get what you want that you do not care if you have to hurt other people in order to do it
a ruthless dictator
They have shown a ruthless disregard for basic human rights.)
Often plays cold-blooded and sadistic characters
(sa·dis·tic /sE5dIstIk/ adj
cruel and enjoying making other people suffer
He took sadistic pleasure in humiliating her.
sadistic fantasies)
Distinctive clipped manner of speaking
(having a special quality, character, or appearance that is different and easy to recognize
a rock band with a distinctive sound)
( If you say that someone has a clipped way of speaking, you mean they speak with quick, short sounds, and usually that they sound upper-class.)
Deadpan delivery (without any expression or emotion; often pretending to be serious when you are joking:
deadpan humour * She looked up, completely deadpan.)
assistance, relief
hand, support
service assist
sustenance utility nourishment