cAMERA Flashcards
digital camera
auto zoom
**Wide-angle: means that it is a “lens,” something that you put on the front of the
camera, that creates photographs with a wider than normal view
a simple kind of camera where one can simply hold it up
facing the thing that one wants to take a photograph of, and push a button to take
the photo, without needing to change any settings
* Point-and-shoot cameras are good for simple photographs while you’re on
vacation, but if you want to have really high-quality photos, you’ll need to buy a
better camera
very near to something; with very little distance between oneself and
another person or thing, especially when talking about a photo or a video
* They’re trying to take a close-up photo of their baby’s face while she’s laughing.
born yesterday
naïve and inexperienced; easily tricked or lied to
* Of course I know how to use a fax machine. I wasn’t born yesterday.
Hidden cameras espionage surveillance “spy on” admissible
“espionage” (spying; learning secret information, especially about the
“admissible” (allowed to be seen and used)
[pho·to·gen·ic || ‚fəʊtəʊ’dʒenɪk]
likely to look attractive in photos
The photog in the purple shirt is really a sharpie at lepping.
noun Informal.
a photographer.