schizophrenia - symptoms and features Flashcards
what is schizophrenia?
- a mental illness that can affect how someone thinks, speaks and feels to a degree that they may lose focus on reality
what are the first and second rank symptoms of schizophrenia?
- first rank = hearing voices and ideas about being controlled by others
- second rank = flattened emotions
what is the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia?
- 2/4 key symptoms, one must be delusions, hallucinations or disorganised speech but the person must also have grossly disorganised or catatonic behaviour or negative symptoms
- at least one month of active symptoms and 6 months of disturbance to everyday functioning
what is thought insertion?
- a person thinks their own thoughts are put there by someone else
what are hallucinations?
- seeing or hearing things that are not there
- voices often harsh or critical or can be controlling
what are delusions?
- false beliefs that remain even when shown not to be true
- e.g. thinking that their movements are being controlled by someone else
what is disordered thinking?
- find it hard to put thoughts into logical sense
- thought blocking = someone stops mid sentence in the middle of a thought and may say that the thought has been taken out of their head
what are some examples of negative symptoms (second rank)?
- lack of energy and apathy
- social withdrawal
- flattened emotions
what is the prevalence of schizophrenia?
- 0.3-0.7%
- depends on factors such as ethnicity, country of birth and gender
what is the onset of schizophrenia?
- late adolescence to mid thirties
- peak onset = mid twenties in males and late twenties in females
what is the prognosis and suicide risk of schizophrenia?
- 20% respond well to treatment
- patients experiencing psychotic episodes earlier tend to have a worse prognosis
- 5-6% die by suicide and there is a 20% attempt at suicide at least once
what are some examples of comorbidity with schizophrenia?
- over half have tobacco use disorders
- rates of OCD and panic disorders are higher compared to general population
what is residual schizophrenia?
- low level positive symptoms but psychotic symptoms are present
what is catatonic schizophrenia?
- withdrawn and isolated with little physical movement, may assume unusual body positions
what is disorganised schizophrenia?
- disorganised speech that is hard to follow
- inappropriate mood for situation
- no hallucinations
what is paranoid schizophrenia?
- suspicious of others
- delusions of grandeur
- often hallucinations
what is undifferentiated schizophrenia?
- characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia but overall picture not catatonic
- paranoid type or disorganised type
what did jablensky find about schizophrenia rates?
- in any nation, schizophrenia is found at a rate of about 1.4-4.6 per 1000