Schizophrenia Flashcards
Schiz DSM-5
A. 2+ of the following sx for signif amt of time during a month (delus, halluc, disorg speech, bx, sx)
B. social or occupational fxn below previous achievement levels
C. continuous signs over 6M
D. absense of indig duration of MDD, manic, or mixed concurrent w/ active sx
E. not direct phys fx of sub use or other condx
F. Delus/halluc present when prior hx autistic dx or other dev dx exists
psychosis char by abnorm in perception, content of thought, thought processes, extensive w/d of one’s interests from ind and outside world
- varied functioning
- interfere w/ think clear, manage emo, make decisions, relate to others
What populations have higher rates of schiz
male and urban
etiology of schiz
Genetics, enviro (malnut in birth), autoimmune, Dp and glut, sub use (esp mind altering while young)
Vulnerability stress model
Genetics and psych predis PLUS life stress causes accel schiz process
- if life stress low, may avoid sx of psychosis
Schiz comorbidity
Sub use in 1/2 psychosis, nicotine use, alc, dep, suicide, premature death from CVD, DM, malig neoplasm, hep C, HIV/AIDS, osteoporosis, obesity, worse medical tx
Positive sx
exist but shouldn’t be there
Which symptoms are alterations in perception
Paranoia, delusions, hallucinations
irrational fear and deep sus of others
- may cause dangerous, defensive actions like harming others
- can become delusional
False beliefs held despite lack of evidence and aren’t corrected with reasoning
Persecutory delusions
being watched and plotted against
referential delusions
events are somehow r/t you (birds sing song for you)
grandiose delusion
You are powerful/important
Erotomaniac delusions
Someone desires you
nihilistic delusion
world at large is ending or gone (give away all stuff bc comet is coming)
somatic delusion
body changing (heart dead)
religious delusion
God speaking
control delusion
someone is telling you to do something or controlling you
NC for delusion interventions
pt scared; need to accept pt experience, encourage feelings and sharing, validate what isn’t real and reorient, help pt feel safe, focus on the emotions, don’t argue
Delusion documentation
- freq, intensity, duration of delusions - find the trigger
- can introduce doubts in delusion as they improve
- use pt own words if can and say what you did to help
alteration in how to perceives reality; perceive sensory experience for which no ext source exists
Command hallucinations
tell pt to do things
- can be dangerous
- can cause SI or HI–immediate intervention
Physical signs of hallucinations
eye tracking, mutter, distract, stop talk, watch vacant area of room
What should you tell the pt to say to the voices?
Not real, go away; tell yourself you are safe no matter what you hear