Personality Disorder Flashcards
evolving char and bx which person can be born with or dev in life incl major traits, intent, drivers, values, self-concept, abilities, emo patterns
What determines bx?
Personality dx
Enduring pattern of deviant inner experience and bx
- differs from cultural expectations and adapt to maladaptive bx
- pervasive, inflexible, stable
- lead to distress and impair
- dysfxn in cog, relx, affect, impulse control
rf for personality dx
- genetic and NT
- psychosocial and enviro - parent, what kids see, trauma
- diathesis stress model
comps of personality dx
- interpersonal relx impair
- dysfxn in cog
- affect dysfxn
- impulse control
Overall tx
- psychopharm
- ind therapy
- fam edu and therapy
- social skill
- group therapy
- tx but depends on degree of impairment and motivation
Overall dx of personality dx
- specific and notable pattern of feel, think, bx
- enduring over time
- pervasive across many sites
- involve inner exp and ext bx
- differ signif from cultural expectations
- involve 2+ of think, feel, impulse control, interpersonal fxn
- lead to signif distress/impair in social, legal, occup, money, safety
- not better accounted for by other MH condx, med condx, subs
Cluster A PD
eccentric and odd
- PaSS on the party
- paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal
Sx of Cluster A PD
- neg sx like with schiz
- ind don’t lose contact with reality and less severe than w/ schiz
- remove self from others
- can be made aware of their thinking
Paranoid PD
- longstanding intense distrust and sus
- anx and reluctant to confide with others, fear of harm
- jealous, controlling adults
- vindicate and unwilling to forgive
- hypervigilant, quick to anger, provoke others, counterattack
- insecure and fear being harmed
Therapy for paranoid PD
role play (but group therapy can be scary)
NC for paranoid PD
- counteract mistrust
- adhere to schedule and boundaries (esp when threatened)
- avoid overly friendly but acknowledge feels
- simple, direct lang
- neutral, kind affect
Schizoid pd
- lowers, poor academic solitary
- inc prev of dx fam life
- avoid close relx - rarely marry
- depersonalize, detach, flat
- cold, detach, distant
schizoid pd NC
- avoid too nice
- don’t inc socialize
- assess sx pt does not want to discuss
- protect against ridicule from other pt, hc worker
- protect personal space while encouraging participation gently
- psycho/group, anti dep dec 2nd gen antipsychotics
schizoptypal pd
- severe social and interpersonal deficits
- rambling convo
- paranoia, sus, anx, distrust, odd, eccentric
- brief eps of halluc or delus
- can be made aware of odd beliefs and magical thinking, clairvoygant
- sus to cults and religious events, ideas of reference; events occur for you
- constricted, inappropriate affect
NC for schizotypal PD
- respect social iso
- intervene in sus as needed esp SI
- reinforce appropriate bx and dress
- perform careful dx assess for dangerous sx (SI)
- may use lower dose antipsychotics
Cluster B personalities
- dramatic, emo, antagonistic, erotic
- BAHNed from the party
- BPD, antisocial PD, histrionic, narcissistic
Borderline PD
- suicidal bx, gestures, threat; self-mutilate
- affective instability, mood swing
- ID disturbance - empty feel, dysphoria, boredom
- intense anger, prob controlling rage
- paranoid ideation or severe dissociation under stress
- intense sensitivity to criticism
- perform bx as others wish
- efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
- unstable interpersonal relx
- impulsive in 2 areas that are self-damaging (money, sex, self-harm, sub use)
- see selves as victims
Ind can’t integrate and accept pos and neg feelings
- ppl incl self and life situations all good or bad
- love or hate you
NC for BPD
- comprehensive access–rf and emo triggers
- tend to get worse when admitted
- build trust and therapeutic enviro with consis, empathy, validation
- teach coping for emo reg—deep breath
- safety plan (esp in crisis, who to call)
- set boundaries and conflict resolution, be predictable and available
Antisocial PD
- antagonistic, disinhibited, lack empathy, remorse, guilt
- violate others rights, hurt others, con others, false names
- avoidance of conduct dx before 15y age
- need to prove superiority
- center of universe
- irritable and aggressive
- superficially cheerful but deceitful
- more males
- more outward probs
NC for antisocial PD
- IC blocks to therapetic relx
- ID dysfxn think patterns, dev new prob solve bx
- self responsibility facilitation
- anger control asst
- help build new support system
- self-awareness enhancement
histrionic PD
- excitable, dramatic, high fxn
- bold, attn seeking-provocative
- excess emo, smothering
- no insight, limit relx
- consider relx more intimate than they are
- intentional desire to gain emo support
How to distinguish histrionic PD from bp dx
- doesn’t fluc like bipolar
- can be hard to separate from mania