Individual therapies Flashcards
Elements of PMH nurse assessment
ROS, labs, MSE, validate assess (outside sources), psychosocial (spiritual, sexual, hobby, religious)
Elements of psychosocial interventions
communication skills, positive self-talk, healthy relations, edu, music/play therapy, relax, spiritual support, inc self-esteem, limit setting, discharge planning
- Unconditional pos regard!
behavioral theories
change maladpative bx even if the cause is unknown
- personality is learned bx which is influenced by conditioning
- best with specific fears like spiders
Pairs bx with condx that inc or dec occurrence
Types of behavioral therapy
- modeling
- operant
- systematic desensitization
- aversion therapy
- biofeedback
role play (observe bx that are more effective than curent bx)
operant conditioning
positive reinforcement; get tokesn for desired bx at GSH
systematic desensitization
relax techniques with exposure to fears gradually
Aversion therapy
neg stim to dec bx (ex: antabuse)
control usually automatic bodily response while connected to monitors that record to learn how to relax muscles to get results
- stress, pain, anx, ADHD
Types of talk therapies
interpersonal, CBT, DBT
Interpersonal therapy
Improve interpersonal fxn and comm patterns to improve mental health over 12-16 sessions
Steps of interpersonal therapy
- ID emo and where it comes from
- express emo in health ways
- deal with emo baggage from past relations
thoughts, not external things, cause bx and feelings
- chx thinking thru brief limited sessions (avg 16)
- homework and self-counsel
- collab with pt and therapist
- pt IDs goals
- change distortions
All or nothing thinking
see black and white; reduce complex outcomes to fails
- get second place, “im loser”
things are “always” or “never” right when 1 thing goes wrong
- get in a car accident, so you shouldn’t be on road bc can’t be trusted
mental filter
see all thru neg filter and obsess on bad
- get review at work with lots good and only focus on neg comment
Discounting the positive
only focus on bad; good things don’t count (just got dream job. must not have been other applicants)
Jumping to conclusions
mindreading and fortune telling
Magnification or minimization
exaggerate problems with binocular trick
- I’m alone on a Saturday night because no one likes me. When other people are alone, it’s because they want to be.”
Emotional reasoning
Assum your neg emo reflects reality “I feel like a bad friend so I am a bad friend”
Should statements
Pt with DM has high blood sugar today bc you’re not a good nurse and your pt should get better
I’m loser bc I failed
personalization and blame
Blame for situations not under your control (prob didn’t have fun at your party bc i was there)