Depressive Disorders Flashcards
Epidemiology of depressive disorders
2x more women, more white, worse in AfAm, SAD, dec SES
Etiology of depressive dx incl per age group
- diathesis stress
- psych - cog predis, neg and/or unrealistic expectations and perceptions (learned helplessness)
- teens - role confusion, conf w/ ind and maturation
- older - societal attitude, self-esteem, hopeless, major life changes
- genetic
- inflam process
Biochemical rf for depressive dx
- NT - Dp, 5-HT, Nor, ACh, glut
- cortisol
- hormones
- electros
Which body system is r/t depression
Thyroid (hypo)
- 5+ in 2W pd of wt loss, appetite change, sleep disturbance, fatigue, psychomotor agitation or retardation, worthless or guilt, less conc, recurrent thoughts of death
- PLUS dep mood or anhedonia
- marked impair in soc or occup fxn
- may/not have psychotic sx
- can be chronic over 2Y (recur often esp in 1st year, sx distress and impair, not attrib to psychio fx, absence manic/hypomanic episode)
Criteria for MDD in kids and teens
- 3 of following (sig wt or appetite dec, insomnia or hypersomnia, psych agit or retard, feel guilt/worthless, dec conc or indecision, recurrent death/suicide)
- PLUS irritable AND anhedonia
- other sx, vague phys complaints, freq miss school, poor performance, “bored”, sub use, inc anger/hostility, reckless
- sx must cause sig distress or impaired fxn
What is considered sig wt loss?
5+ lbs in a month
What is considered insomnia
under 6h per night
Depressive sx up to age 3
- feed prob
- lack playfulness
- lack emo expression
- dec speech and motor dev
Depressive sx age 3-5
- prone to accidents
- phobias
- aggressiveness
- excessive self-reproach for minor infracs
Depressive sx age 6-8
- vague phys complaints
- agg bx
- clingy
- avoid ppl and challenge
- behind social/academic performance
Depressive sx age 9-12
- morbid thoughts
- excess worry
- lack social interest
- think they have disappointed parents
Disruptive mood dysreg dx
- age 6-18y, onset before age 10
- sx anger and constant, severe, irritability present btwn outbursts
** temper tantrum w/ verbal and bx attributes 3x/w for 1y in at least 2 settings - comorb with ODD, ADHD, MDD
Persistent depressive disorder aka dysthymia
- low level dep felt thru most of the day for majority days
- sx for at least 2y in adults
- at least 1y in kids and adults
- 2+ of the following - dec appetite or overeating, insomnia, hypersomnia, low energy, poor self-esteem, difficulty thinking, hopelessness
Tx for persistent dep dx
Antideps, often MAOIs and SSRIs
Premenstrual dysphoria dx
- Sx clustered in last week prior to period incl mood swing, lability, irritability, dep/anx, feel overwhelm, diff conc
- other phys sx like dec energy, overeat, insomnia, breast tenderness, ache, bloat, wt gain
- sx dec sig or disappear w/ onset of menstruation
- usually get SSRIs just for premenstrual period
Sub-induced dep dx
- person does not experience dep sx in absence of drug/alc use or w/d
Dep dx assoc with another medical condx
- cause by kid fail, Parks, Alz
- sx result from ind dx or certain meds not considered MDD
- look at hx, sx, labs
primary care screen for dep
- pt don’t go to PCP for dep
- most present w/ somatic complaints - insom, fatigue, wt loss
- need for consistent dep screen for all pt every visit
psychomotor retardation
- visibly slow PA like mvt and speech
- slow talk, pause before speech, slow chew, long time to cross room
- assoc with severe dep
Psychomotor agitation
- inc activity from mental tension
- restless, pace, tap ft/fingers, abrupt start/stop talk, meanlessly move objects
- assoc with agitation dep
Nursing problems for dep
risk suicide, hopeless, ineff coping, lack support, social iso, self-care deficit
Recovery model
Healing possible and attainable
- focus on pt strength to improve health and reach full potential
- tx goal mutually dev
- based on pt’s personal needs and values
- measured
How to prioritize hypothesis
rank probs by urgency, complexity, time