Scenes 9 & 10: Why Did You Become an Actor? (pg. 47) & Snow White (pg. 48 - 57) Flashcards
(Act II begins)
Hey. What’s up? Mira got stuck in the line for the ladies room so I’m out here filling time until she can make it. I’d like to take some time here for a segment I like to call: meet the actors.
Actor: What’s up?
Why did you become an actor?
Actor: My parents didn’t love me enough and this is my way of filling the gigantic hole in my heart.
I don’t really like actors.
Narrator 1: Sorry I’m late.
All right, we’re ready to go! To Re-Cap:
Narrator 1: …And there were no crab people.
Simple, right? Back to our story!
Narrator 1: You see, that princess who married the frog had a mother.
Most girls do.
Narrator 1: Do you ever wonder why you’re single?
No I know why I’m single.
Narrator 1: Anyway, once upon a time-
My standards are too high.
Narrator 1: The first dwarf, though, who we will name Dopey-
Narrator 1: Snow White cleans house for the dwarves, then she gets poisoned by an apple, then a prince shows up-
You know, maybe we should just let him rewrite the story.
Dwarf 1: Okay, I got another one. I’ve been cursed by a witch and I now have supernatural powers-
Besides, sometimes the originals are…how do you say, bad?
Dwarf 1: And now I can animate zombies. I’ve always wanted to animate zombies.
Classics, huh? Let me show you a classic. Here we go- number 191. Lean Lisa.
Snow White: Why is it that I have to clean and cook for the dwarves? If I’m a princess, shouldn’t they be cooking and cleaning for me?
Both of you stop, okay? We’re doing a new one, Lean Lisa.
Snow White: Never heard of it. Am I beautiful?
You’re lean. So once upon a time, Lean Lisa lay in bed with her husband, Long Laurence.
Dwarf 1: Do I get to be Long Laurence?
Dwarf 1: Quiet your wagging tongue woman!
And she died. The end.
Narrator 1: Seriously? That’s what it says?
Right here.
Dwarf 1: She’s alive!
I thought you were supposed to be Snow White.
Snow White: Can anyone really tell the difference?
Anyway, what I’m saying is that these stories need some spicing up here and there. A new angle. A new way of putting them together.
Narrator 1: I know, we could put together a big-budget musical told from the perspective of the witch!
Why don’t we just follow the dwarf’s lead?