Scenes 3 & 4: A Little Tangled (pg. 16-24) & Hansel and Gretel (pg. 24-31) Flashcards
Enchantress: …I want you to try all these radioactive hair care products and see what happens.
So Rapunzel was locked away-
Rapunzel: That’s cool, I’ve got my cell phone and-
In a tower with no cell phone service-
Rapunzel: Noooooo!
And her hair grew and grew. Mutated really. She became a mutant. Actually, if you’re into comic books there’s this superheroine named Medusa who lives on the moon and can make her hair do all this crazy stuff, like it reaches out and grabs people and smashes them in the face and stuff-
Narrator 1: You know this is why you aren’t dating anyone, don’t you? Cause you’re a dork.
I’ve spent a lot of time alone.
Narrator 1: Just continue the story.
Fine. And for no apparent reason, the Enchantress decided to use her hair as a ladder.
Rapunzel: Why don’t you use your magical powers to fly up here?!
So up climbed the Enchantress.
Enchantress: Hey um…what is my motivation here?
(looking at book) Um…doesn’t really say.
Rapunzel: Maybe you were abused as a child.
Yeah, there’s really no reason for it.
Enchantress: Huh. All right, I guess I’m just some kind of sadistic witch.
Like my ex-girlfriend.
Rapunzel: Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.
But just at that moment, a prince happened to be wandering by.
Rapunzel: Mostly I just sit here in my tower. Actually that’s all I do. Sit here and comb my hair.
Okay stop. What’s the problem?
Rapunzel: I’ve been locked in a tower for nine years!
You fall in love at first sight.
Rapunzel: I have a very detailed journal.
Stop it. This is a fairy tale. We’re trying to get through them all. You fall in love at first sight. Okay? Bam! You’re in love.
Rapunzel: I want him to be taller.
Bam! Love.
Rapunzel: Oh. Maybe that was it.
Bam! Love.
Prince 2: That’s good enough for me!
And they fell in love. But their time was short.
Enchantress: Which is what makes this all the more difficult.
And with two snips.
Enchantress: Yes. And now I’m going to banish you to a desert where you can wander for the rest of your life and think about how you disappointed me.
Now, I know what some of you out there are thinking:
Narrator 1: She needed a haircut.
You’re thinking: that was some pretty harsh parenting.
Father: …It’s awesome! Thanks What to Expect When You’re Expecting to Live in a Fairy Tale!
Can we get back to our story please?
Prince 2: I am a mighty prince and I will defeat you!
And with that, the Prince jumped out the window. And fell. A long way.
Prince 2: Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ouch. Ooh.
And as luck would have it he hit a thorn bush which poked out both his eyes.
Enchantress: Turning a man into a golden goose. That should be rewarding.
And so the Prince wandered around blind.
Prince 2: Sorry about that. Sorry. Pardon me. Ouch. Hope that’s not valuable. I didn’t mean to touch you there.
Until he coincidentally wandered into a desert.
Prince 2: Is it getting hot out here?
Where he ran into-you guessed it.
Rapunzel: My prince!
And she cried on his eyes and that magically healed him. And they lived happily ever after. In the desert. With no kingdom or hair care products. The end.
Narrator 1: Moral of the story:
Yeah, the moral of the story is…What did you put in your paper for college?
Narrator 1: …Yeah, I was making that stuff up. That’s what you do in college.
But…our story is not even remotely finished.
Narrator 1: No wait, it is finished. It’s not yet begun.
That’s right. So let’s go back to that girl - Rapunzel’s mother.
Narrator 1: …Who would grow up to make a deal with several supernatural entities who would eventually imprison her daughter in the tower.
Narrator 1: There’s always a but.
One question remains:
Narrator 1: Where did the witch come from?
Funny you should ask. You see it all started a long time before this. In a little village near the ocean.