Scalp, Face, Parotid Flashcards
What are the 5 layers of the SCALP?
- Skin
- Connective tissue (dense)
- Aponurotic layer
- Loos connecctive dissue
- Pericranium
WHat is the first layer of the scalp?
What is the 2nd layer of the scalp? Describe
Dense connective tissue
Lots of blood vessels and nerve endings for cutaneous innervation.
LOTS of bleeding, wounds stay open unless stiching.
What is the 3nd layer of the scalp? Describe
Aponuerotic layer
* Thin flat tendonous layer
What is the 4th layer of the scalp? Describe
Loose connective tissue
* Not as tight and organized
* Infection spread more easily
What layer of the scalp is loose and therefore alows for the spread of infection more easily?
Loose Connective tissue
5th and innermost layer of the scalp. Describe
* Basically periosteum
* Sits directly adheared to the bone
An epicranial aponeurousis (thin tendanous sheath over skull)
How many bellys does the Occipitofrontalishave?
2 bellys;
occipital & frontal belly
Explain the attachment and innervation of the occipital belly of the occipitofrontalis
Occipital bone (superior to nuchal line and mastoid process) and epicranial aponeurosis (galea aponeurotica)
Posterior auricular branch
Explain the *attachment, innervation, and action * of the Frontal belly of the occipitofrontalis
To the skin above the eyebrows and the epicranial aponeurosis.
Temporal branch of the facial nerve [VII]
Move the scalp wrinkle the forehead, and rasie the eyebrows.
What are the 4 main cutaneous innervation of the scalp
(not the sub branches)
- Opthalmic Nerve V1
- Maxillary Nerve V2
- Mandibular Nerve V3
- Cervical Plexus (post rami)
Cutaneous Innervation of the Scalp
What are the 2 branches of the Opthalmic Nerve V1
- Supratrochlear n.
- Supra-orbital n
Cutaneous Innervation of the Scalp
What is the branch off the Maxillary Nerve V2
Cutaneous Innervation of the Scalp
What is the branch off the Mandibular Nerve V3
Cutaneous Innervation of the Scalp
What are the cutanous innervation of the posterior scalp an neck?
Post rami C2-C4 of the Cervical Plexus
Cutaneous Innervation of the Scalp
What nerves comes of the posterior ramus of C2 and innervates the back of the head?
Greater Occipital Nerve
Cutaneous Innervation of the Scalp
What 2 nerves comes off the posterior ramus of C2 C3 and innervates the posterior lateral side of neck and head by the ears and behind?
- Lesser occipital
- Greater auricular
Cutaneous Innervation of the Scalp
What nerves innervates the back of the neck via the posterior ramus of C3?
Third occipital N.
Cutaneous Innervation anterior face
Explain the Supratrochlear nerve
Branch that comes off V1 and comes up the medial aspect of the forhead
Cutaneous Innervation anterior face
Explain the Supra-orbital N.
Branch that comes off V1 and is right above the eye travels up the forhead to superior portion of scalp
more medial
Cutaneous Innervation anterior face
Explain the Zygomaticotemporaln.
Branches that come off V2 and are on the lateral aspect of the forhead
Cutaneous Innervation anterior face
Explain the Auriculotemporaln
Branch that comes off V3 that come in front of ear, on the side of the temporal bone
What layer does all cutaneous innervation of the scalp run?
2nd layer; dense connective tissue
Explain the lymphatic drainage of the scalp
No lymph nodes in the scalp
* All drainage occurs via lymphatic vessesl that come down and drain into nodes
* Occipital nodes (back of head), Mastoid nodes (lateral side of head) , Pre-auricular/parotid (side of face), sub mental, sub mandibular.
What are the 5 artery/vein systems in the scalp?
- Supratrochlear
- Supra-orbital
- Superficial temporal
- Posterior Auricular
- Occipital
Blood Vessels of the Scalp
Explain the supratrochlear artery/vein
- Comes up anterioly to the scalp from medial upper corner of eye
Branch from opthalmic artery
Blood Vessels of the Scalp
Explain the Supra-orbital artery/vein
- Comes up anterioly to the scalp
Branch from opthalmic artery
Blood Vessels of the Scalp
Explain the superficial temporal artery/vein
- BIG Terminal branches from ex. carotid
- Comes up (laterally) and across the temporal region to the superior portion of the scalp
Blood Vessels of the Scalp
Explain the posterior auricular artery/vein
- From ext. carotid artery
- Pass behind ear and up posterior aspect of the scalp
Blood Vessels of the Scalp
Explain the occipital artery/vein
- From ext. carotid artery
- Pass to the posterior aspect of the scalp.
What 2 arteries of the scalp come off the opthalmic artery (derived from internal carotid artery)
- Supratrochlear
- Supra-orbital
Blood Vessels of the Scalp
What are the 4 main venous drainage of the scalp?
- Cavernous Sinus
- External Jugular v. (superficial)
- Deep cervical v.
- Vertebral v.
Cutaneous (Sensory) Nerves of theFace
What are the 5 branches of the opthalmic nerve (CN5 V1)
Forehead, uppereyelids, dorsum ofnose
- Supraorbital
- Supratrochlear
- Infratrochlear
- Lacrimal
- External Nasal
Forehead, uppereyelids, dorsum ofnose
Cutaneous (Sensory) Nerves of the Face
Explain the Supraorbital branch
Ophthalmic Nerve (CN V1)
- Above the eye
- Forhead
Cutaneous (Sensory) Nerves of the Face
Explain the Supratrochlear branch
Ophthalmic Nerve (CN V1)
- Corners of the eye.
Cutaneous (Sensory) Nerves of the Face
Explain the Infratorchlear branch
Ophthalmic Nerve (CN V1)
- Covers medial aspect of the bridge of the nose
Cutaneous (Sensory) Nerves of the Face
Explain the lacrimal branch
Ophthalmic Nerve (CN V1)
- Comes lateral and covers the top edge of the eyelid
Cutaneous (Sensory) Nerves of the Face
Explain the external nasal branch
Ophthalmic Nerve (CN V1)
- comes down through the nose
Dorsum of the nose (bridge)
Cutaneous (Sensory) Nerves of the Face
Explain where the Opthalmic nerve originates from and where it passes through to leave
Originates: Trigeminal ganglion
Exits via: Superior orbital fissue
Cutaneous (Sensory) Nerves of the Face
What are the 2 branches of the maxillary nerve (CN5 V2)
Skin over the uppercheek, lower eyelid,lateral nose, upper lip
- Zygomaticotemporal
- Infraorbital
Skin over the uppercheek, lower eyelid lateral nose, upper lip
Cutaneous (Sensory) Nerves of the Face
Explain the Infra-orbital branch
Maxillary Nerve (CN V2)
- Big branch
- Spreads out once it exits ganglion
- Lateral aspect nose
- Across upper lip
- Lower eyelid
- Across zygomatic process (cheek bones) meets zygomaticfacial nerve
Cutaneous (Sensory) Nerves of the Face
Explain the zygomaticotemporal branch
Maxillary Nerve (CN V2)
- comes up the lateral potion of the head
Cutaneous (Sensory) Nerves of the Face
Explain where the Maxillary nerve originates from and where it passes through to leave
Originates: Trigeminal ganglion
Exits via: foramen rotundum
Cutaneous (Sensory) Nerves of the Face
What are the 3 branches of the mandibular nerve (CN5 V3)
Skin anterior to ear,posterior temporalregion
lower cheek,lower lip and chin
- Auriculotemopral
- Buccal
- Mental
Skin anterior to ear,posterior temporalregion, lower cheek,lower lip and chin
Cutaneous (Sensory) Nerves of the Face
Explain the Auriculotemporal branch
Mandibular Nerve (CN V3)
- Big nerve
- Comes up the side of the temporal bone (same as artery)
Cutaneous (Sensory) Nerves of the Face
Explain the buccal branch
Mandibular Nerve (CN V3)
- Side of the lower cheek inmouth
Cutaneous (Sensory) Nerves of the Face
Explain the mental branch
Mandibular Nerve (CN V3)
- In mandible
- comes out anteriorly via mental foramen
- Covers the entire chin
Cutaneous (Sensory) Nerves of the Face
Explain where the Mandibular nerve originates from and where it passes through to leave
Originates: Trigeminal ganglion
Exits via: foramen ovale
Vasculature of the Face
What are the 3 external carotid branches that supply the face?
- Maxillary artery (ant face, term branch)
- Superficial temporal (side of head, term branch)
- Facial artery (across mandible onto face)
Vasculature of the Face
What are the 4 branches of the facial artery?
- Inferior labial branch
- Superior labial branch
- Lateral nasal branch
- Angular a.
Facial Artery Branch
Explain the inferior labial branch of the facial artery
- Supply the lower lip
Facial Artery Branch
Explain the superior labial artery branch of the facial artery
- Supplys the upper lip
Facial Artery Branch
Explain the lateral nasal branch of the facial artery
- Supply lateral aspect of nose
Facial Artery Branch
Explain the angular branch of the facial artery
- End artery
- At angle of nose and eye
Superficial Temporal Artery Branch
Explain the transverse facial artery branch from the superficial temporal artert
- Comes across cheek and towards the nose
Vasculature of Face
Explain the 3 branches off the maxillary artery
**deep, off ext. carotid to medial aspect of face **
- Infraobital a
- Buccal a
- Mental a
Maxillary artery branch
Explain the infra-orbital artery branch off the maxillary artery
- Under zygomatic arch
- Exit via Infra-orbital foramen
Maxillary artery branch
Explain the buccal artery branch off the maxillary artery
- Come across cheek
- Supply buccal region
Maxillary artery branch
Explain the mental artery branch off the maxillary artery
- Come down interior aspect of the mandible
- Exits via mental foramen
Vasculature of Face
What main artery supplying the face comes of the internal carotid artery?
Comes in through the eye
Opthalmic artery
Vasculature of Face
What are the5 arterial branches off of the opthalmic artery in the face?
- Zygomaticofacial a.
- Zygomaticotemporal a.
- Doral nasal a.
- Supraorbital a.
- Supratrochlear a.
Opthalmic Artery Branch
Explain the zygomaticofacial branch off the opthalmic artery
- Comes out lateral aspect of obicularis oculi muscle
Opthalmic Artery Branch
Explain the zygomaticotmeporal branch off the opthalmic artery
- Comes out lateral aspect of obicularis oculi muscle
Opthalmic Artery Branch
Explain the Dorsal nasal branch off the opthalmic artery
- Comes out over top of the nose.
Opthalmic Artery Branch
Explain the Supraorbital branch off the opthalmic artery
Above eye, toward superior scalp
Opthalmic Artery Branch
Explain the Supratrochlear branch off the opthalmic artery
Above eye, toward superior scalp
Venous Drainage of Face
Explain what veins connect and go back and emptys into the cavernous sinus
- Facial Vein
- Superior opthalmic vein
Communicate in medial cornery of the eye
What is the significance of the cavernous sinus?
Blood from face can move back into the skull;
lots of pressure and **cause infection to move back **into the sinus area and surround brain.
Venous Drainage of Face
Explain what veins connect and drain into the pterygoid venous plexus before going ot cavernous sinus
- Facial vein
- Deep facial vein
Communicate and drain into pterygoid venous plexus (below cavernous sinus) then drain there.
Explain danger triangle of face
Creation of pressue ex. via popping pimples can push superficial face infection back via veins into the cavernous sinus and infection can spread to brain.
What are 3 main lymphatic drainage nodes of face?
1. Submental (chin, lower lip , incisors)
2. Submandibular (Side of nose, cheek, jaw)
3. Pre-auricular/Parotid (Under eye, side of head, parotid gland
What artery Follows the same path as the submandibular nodes?
Facial artery
Muscles of Facial Expression
What are the 2 muscles of the orbital group and what is main idea?
- Orbicular Oculi
- Corrigator Supercilii
Muscles around eye and center
Muscles of Orbital Group
Explain the Orbicular Oculi muscle (parts & function)
Closes the eyelid
* Orbital Part; closes eye forcefully; produces wrinkles in forhead.
* Palpebral Part; normal eyelid closure
Muscles of Orbital Group
Explain the Corrugator supercillli muscle (parts & function)
- Deeper
- Angled
- Draws eyebrow to midline
angry face
Muscles of Facial Expression
What muscle forms verticle wrinkles in bewteen eyebrows when contracted?
Corrugator Supercilli muscle
Muscles of Facial Expression
What are the 3 muscles of the Nasal group
- Nasalis
- Procerus
- Depressor septi Nasi
Muscles of Nasal Group
Explain the Nasalis muscle (parts & function)
Flare the nares; nostrils
* Transverse Part; compress the nares
* Alar Part; open nares
Muscles of Nasal Group
Explain the Procerus muscle (parts & function)
- Btwn brows
- Draws medial boarder of eyebrown downward
Muscles of Nasal Group
Explain the Depressor septi nasi muscle (parts & function)
- Attch to upper septum of nose & top of lip
- Assit in widening nares
- Pull nose inferiorly
Muscles of Facial Expression
What are the 2 muscles of the Oral group
- Obucularis oris
- Buccinator
Oral Group Muscles
Explain the Obicularis oris muscle
- Big circular sphincter muscle
- Around lips
Pursing Lips
Oral Group Muscles
Explain the Buccinator muscle
- Across lateral side of cheeks
- Keeps cheeks tight/taut against teeth
- Aids mastication; prevent food from accumulating btwn teeth and cheeks
- Assit in forceful expulsion of air from cheeks
Muscles of Facial Expression
What are the 3 muscles of the Lower Group Oral Muscles
- Depressor anguli oris
- Depressor labii inferioris
- Mentalis
Lower Group Oral Muscles
Explain the Depressor anguli oris muscle
- depresses the corners of the mouth
frowny face
Lower group oral muscle
Explain the Depressorlabiiinferioris muscle
- depresses lower lip and moves it laterally
- Medial aspect of lip
pouty face, lip flipped down
Lower Group Oral Muscles
Explain the mentalis muscle
- raises and protrudes the lower lip
- wrinkles the skin of the chin
Muscles of Facial Expression
What are the 4 muscles of the Upper Group Oral Muscles
- Risorius
- Zygomaticus Major & Minor
- Levator labii superioris
- Levator anguli oris
Upper Group Oral Muscles
Explain the Risorius muscle
- Corners of mouth laterally & upward
- Contraction= pull up corner of mouth laterally superiorly
Upper Group Oral Muscles
Explain the Zygomaticus Major/Minor muscle
- Attach to zygomatic arch
- Minor(medial on lip ) Major (lateral on lip)
- Raise corners of mouth & help smile
Upper Group Oral Muscles
Explain the Levatro Labii superiorus muscle
- Next to nose from eye and down to upper lip
- Raise upper lip
- Creates nasiolabial furrow when smile
Upper Group Oral Muscles
Explain the Levator anguli oris muscle
- Deepest
- More to angel of mouth
- Help increase furrow, elevates angle of mouth
What 2 muscles of the upper oral muscles form the nasolabial furrow?
- Levatro labii superioris
- Levator anguli Oris
Explain the 3 auricular muscles
- Anterior (pull ear up and forward)
- Superior (elevate ear)
- Posterior (pull ear back and up)
Where is the parotid gland located?
largest salivary gland
- Anterior to the ear
- across angel of the mandible
- superficial to the massater muscle.
From parotid gland, runs ~1cm below zygomatic arch, pierces buccinator m. and opens inside the cheek near 2nd maxillary molar allow salivary secretions into the mouth.
Parotid Duct
* retromandibular vein
* external carotid arterys
* Facial Nerve CN7
* Transverse facial artery/vein
* Superfical & deep parotid nodes
do what witht the parotid gland?
Run through it!
What supplys parasympathetic innervation to the parotid gland?
GLossopharyngeal CN 9
General Visceral Efferent
Explain the path of the parasympathetic signals from the glossopharyngeal nerve CN9 to the parotid gland.
6 Steps
- CN 9 exits jugular foramen
- Tympanic br. comes off, re-enters skull via tymanic canaliculus
- Into tympanic cavity (inner ear), on promontory of medial wall, helps form tympanic plexus
- **Tympanic br. **Exits as lesser petrosal n. via hiatus on ant. petrous ridge
- Exits cranium again via foramen ovale (usually)
- Presynaptic fibers synapse in Otic Ganglion and **Post ganglion Visceral efferent **hitchhike on Auriculotemporal n. (V3) to parotid gland
How does the parotid gladn recieve sympathetic innervation?
postganglionic sympathetics from superior cervical ganglion form external carotid plexus on ECA (vasomotor)
What is the vasculature of the parotid gland? A/V
A= 1. Posterior auricular a./superficial temporal a. (ECA)
V= 2. Retromandibular v.
What are the 5 main branches of the facial nevre CN 7
branches in the parotid gland
- Temporal
- Zygomatic
- Buccal
- Marginal Mandibular
- Cervical
Ten Zebras Bit My Coat (hand on face)
What do the facial nerve do?
Innervate the skeletal muscle of the face!
Damage= loose ability to move muscle in face
Upper –Temporofacial (Facial Nerve branches)
What are the 2 upper temporofacial branches of the facial nerve? + functions
- Temporal (up to temporal bone)
- Zygomatic (come acorss zygomatic bone)
Upper –Cervicofacial (Facial Nerve branches)
What are the 3 lower cervicofacial branches of the facial nerve? + functions
- Bucal (across cheek)
- Marginal Mandibular (across mandible)
- Cervical (upper neck)
Other Facial Nerve Branches
what are the 2 other posterior branches of the facial nerve?
- Posterior auricular (behind ear)
- Digastric (behind digastric msucle)
What muscle not working?
Eyelid droop
Orbital group loose fxn
What muscle not working?
Mouth droop
Upper group of oral muscles loose fxn
What muscle not working?
Unable to close eyelids
Obicularis Oculi
(cant close eye)
What muscle not working?
Food/Saliva falls out of mouth, Chewing is inefficient
Symptoms of what?
Eyelid droop
Mouth droop
Unable to close eyelids
Food/saliva falls out of mouth
Chewing is inefficient
Atrophy of facial expression muscles
Facial muscle asymmetry
Sounds may appear louder
Bell’s palsy