Nasal Cavity Flashcards
What makes up the nasal airway?
- Nasal Cavity
- Nasopharynx
The nasal air way is large, the nose only makes up ____ of total volume.
Explain the 3 major thing that the nose and the nasal airway does?
- Nose is portal of the airway (carborator)
- Warms & humidifies air
- Filters air
How much does the nose warm and humidify the air?
- Warms to 90 degrees
- Humifies air to 80%
What does the paranasal sinuses relaease into the air being inhaled?
- Release NO from sinuses gas into inspired air.
- NO is a vasodialator that enhanced O2 uptake by blood
How is mouth breating bad?
Inspired air is not able to be warmed or humidified* *and this results in 10% less Oxygen extraction **from air once it reaches the lungs.””
- Also no maintainence of homeostatic balance
Mouth breathing leads to snoring is caused by what? Severe cases of this results in?
Snoring-> upper air way resistance= sleep apnea.
What is dark red
Nasal Inferior Turbinates
What is blue
Nasal Valve
area not structure
What is at the midline of the nose?
Soft tissue beginning of the of the nasal cavity
What are the two rims on the outside of the nose?
Alar rim
External nasal Valves
What is the light pink?
Nasal septum
Explain caudal maneuver
Putting fingers on either sid of the nose and breathing. Nasal dialation
What turbinate can you see when doing the caudal maneuver?
Putting fingers at corners of nose and breath to see.
Inferior turbinate
What is the concha?
Cartilagionous portion below the turbinate, it forms it.
Anteriorly and posteriorly walls of the nose
What functions as the demarcation betweent he nasal cavity and nasopharynx?
Posterior Choane
What 2 things demarcate the nasal valve?
- Inferior turbinate laterally
- septum medially
What do you analyze when looking at nasal breathing? open and closed
Nasal Valve
How many turbinantes in nasal cavity?
1. SUperior
2. Middle
3. Inferior turbinates
What is found directly posterior to the posterior choane?
Pterygoid Plexus 4
What kind of cells line ther turbinates?
Cilliated collumnar epithelium; help filter air!
What is the size of the inferior turbinate?
Longest & largest, size of indec finger
middle then superior smallest
Explain Allergic Shiners
Pathneumoic of someone that doesnt breath well through the nose. Swelling can be noted externally
What does the inferior turbinate do?
- directs air flow
- Filters air
- warms
- humidifies