Scalp and Superficial Face Flashcards
What are the 5 layers of the scalp?
Skin Connective tissue (dense) Aponeurosis Loose connective tissue Pericranium
What is found within the skin layer?
Sweat/sebaceous glands, vascular supply
What is found within the dense connective tissue layer?
Vasculature and nerves
What is found within the aponeurotic layer?
Connects occipitofrontalis m, helps move skin over head
What is significant about the loose connective tissue layer?
It is a potential space for infection. Can get into emissary vein which would transmit it into the dural sinuses and cause meningitis.
What is the pericranium?
Periosteum of the skull, vascularized and innervated
What layers are contained within the scalp proper?
Skin, dense connective tissue, and aponeurosis
What layers come off when someone is scalped?
Scalp proper (skin, dense connective tissue, aponeurosis)
What causes a gaping wound?
Cutting coronally through aponeurotic layer. Cuts through only first two layers do not gape.
An enlarged parotid gland can be seen in which triangle of the neck?
Submandibular triangle
What muscle does the parotid gland lay on top of?
Masster muscle
What muscle does the parotid duct dive into?
Buccinator muscle
What nerve, vein, and artery are found in the parotid gland?
Facial N, Retromandibular vein, External carotid artery
What fascia invests the parotid gland?
Investing layer of deep cervical fascia
What does the occipitofrontalis muscle do?
Wrinkles forehead
What does the orbicularis oculi muscle do?
Closes eye (orbital part does it tightly, palpebral part does it gently)
What nerve closes the eye?
Facial N (CN VII) – important per Dr. Keim
What nerve opens the eye?
Oculomotor N (CN III)
What does the orbicularis oris muscle do?
Closes mouth
What does the buccinator muscle do?
Keeps cheek taut during chewing
What does the depressor anguli oris muscle do?
Depresses the corner of the mouth
What arch and germ layer give rise to the muscles of facial expression?
Second pharyngeal arch, mesoderm
What nerve innervates the muscles of mastication?
CN V - specifically V3
What are the muscles of mastication?
Temporalis m, masseter m, lateral pterygoid m, medial pterygoid m
What foramen does the facial nerve exit the skull to get onto the face?
Stylomastoid foramen
What foramen does the facial nerve exit the brain and go into the skull?
Internal acoustic meatus
What are the five motor branches of facial nerve?
Temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, cervical
What gives taste sensation to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue?
Chorda tympani coming from facial nerve
What do parasympathetic fibers of the facial nerve do?
Lacrimal gland - via greater petrosal n Submandibular gland and sublingual gland - via chorda tympani
What are the signs and symptoms of Bell’s palsy?
Ipsilateral paralysis of muscles of facial expression, unable to close eye, cannot tightly close mouth (buccinator m)
What two nerves come off the facial nerve in the facial canal?
N to stapedius and chorda tympani
What does the stapedius muscle do?
Dampens sound
What structures does the facial nerve pass through to get onto the face?
Internal acoustic meatus, facial canal, stylomastoid foramen
What nerves come from V1 of the trigeminal nerve and what do they do?
Supratrochlear (medial) and supraorbital (lateral) - sensation to the forehead, eyelids, conjunctiva.
External nasal - sensation to bridge of the nose.
What nerves come from V2 of the trigeminal nerve and what do they do?
Infraorbital - cutaneous
Zygomaticofacial, zygomaticotemporal - cutaneous
What nerves come from V3 of the trigeminal nerve?
Mental n
Buccal n
Auriculotemporal n
What nerves give sensation to the scalp?
CN V1, CN V2, CN V3, anterior rami (C2, C3), posterior rami (C2, C3)
What branches does the facial artery give off once on the face?
Inferior labial artery (below lips), superior labial artery (above lips), lateral nasal artery (lateral to nose), and angular artery (runs up side of nose)
What nerve runs with superficial temporal artery?
Auriculotemporal n
What are the anastomoses in the face?
Right and left superior and inferior labial arteries anastomose Angular a (from facial a from ECA) and supertrochlear artery (from ophthalmic a from ICA) anastomose on each side Supraorbital a (from ophthalmic a from ICA) and superficial temporal (from ECA) anastomose on each side
What lymph nodes make up the superficial ring in the head/neck?
Submental, submandibular, parotid, mastoid, occipital
What do the occipital LNs drain?
Posterior scalp and neck
What do the mastoid LNs drain?
Posterior/lateral aspect of scalp
What do the parotid LNs drain?
Anterior ear, upper half of face and scalp
What do the submandibular LNs drain?
Gums, teeth, lateral upper lip
What do the submental LNs drain?
Lower lip, chin, floor of mouth, tip of tongue
Which LNs drain to the deep cervical LNs? Which drain to the superficial cervical LNs?
Submental, submandibular, parotid drain to deep cervical LNs (along internal jugular vein).
Mastoid and occipital drain to superficial cervical LNs (along external jugular vein) and eventually make it to the deep cervical LNs.
What are the deep cervical LNs?
Jugulo-digastric and jugulo-omohyoid