Sarcocystis Flashcards
Only sexual reproduction occurs
on the definitive host and that
sporogony is completed there
Fully sporulated oocysts and sporocysts are discharged in the host’s feces
infective stage with the production of sporocysts occurs in what area of definitive host
intestinal mucosa
2 types of Sarcocystis
intestinal, muscle
toxin secreted by the sarcocyst in the intermediate host
sarcosporidiosis in sheep agents
S. ovicanis, S. arieticanis
sarcosporidiosis in goats agents
S. capracanis. S. hircicanis
Associated with release of 2nd
wave of merozoites
Sarcosporidiosis in Pigs
Causes a severe neurological disease in
horses, Equine Protozoal Encephalomyelitis (EPM)
Sarcocystis neurona
predilection site of Besnoitia sp.
CT of the skin
Definitive host of besnoitia
IH of besnoitia
Horses, ruminants, rodents, lizards
endemic in tropical and sub-tropical
regions with high infection rate but low mortality and rare elsewhere
etiologic agent of cutaneous form of besnoitiosis in horses and burros
Besnoitia bennetti
hardening of the skin creating a
leathery affect which is a symptom of Besnoitiosis
Lichenification of the muzzle
etiologic agent of bovine besnoitosis
B. besnoiti
chronic cutaneous besnoitia infection in cow referred to as?
scleroderma or elephant hide disease
Oocysts are virtually indistinguishable from those of toxoplasma and neospora
Hammondia sp.
Dh is cat and multiply in tissues of pigs, rats, mice, goats, hamsters, dogs
Hammondia hammondi
DH are dogs and foxes
Hammondia heydorni
IH of H. heydorni
Ruminants, guinea, pigs, dogs
Has an obligatory two-host history
Only sporulated oocysts from cat feces are infectious to rats
Hammondia sp.
In hammondia life cycle, only ______ from mouse tissue are infectious to cats
a parasite of the renal epithelium of
the horse
Klossiella equi
a parasite of the renal epithelium
of the mouse
Klossiella muris
Transmission occurs via ingestion of sporulated oocysts passed in urine
Mouse Parenteral Coccidia
IH of toxoplasma
warm blooded animals
banana shape of toxoplasma
Trophozoites (Tachyzoites)
contains zoites or bradyzoites (slow multiplying forms), found in lungs, brain, liver, other organs of vertebrate host
pseudocyst or cyst
produced after schizogony, gametogony and syngamy in the intestines of cats
seen in body fluids in early, acute infection
released from ruptured tissue cysts that cause inflam. and block bv and necrosis
slow dividing stage
contained in cysts in muscles and brain tissue and eyes
rapid dividing stage
destroy cells specifically parenchymal and reticuloendothelial cells