Giardia and Entamoeba Flashcards
how many cysts will it take giardia to produce a disease
giardia Lodges in the intestine of?
man, pigs, monkeys
Giardia spp in peoplecurrently has been called
Giardia lamblia, Giardia duodenalis, Giardia intestinalis, or Giardia enteric
Giardia in mice
Giardia muris
Giardia in amphibians
G. agilis
Giardia in birds
G. psittaci
Assemblages A and B are considered to be mainly those found in
humans, also in dogs and cats
Assemblages C and D make up the majority of organisms found in
Assemblage E makes up the group most typically found in
hoofed stock
Assemblage F consist of the forms from
Assemblage G represents the form from
Giadia trophozoites are adapted for attachments for?
mucous epithelial cells of the small intestine
resistant forms and are responsible for transmission of giardiasis
where does giardia excystation occur
small intestine
where does giardia trophozoites multiply and remain freely attached
lumen of proximal small bowel
Encystation of giardia occurs as the parasites transit toward? the
Acute giardiasis develops after an incubation period of?
1-14 days, ave. 7 days
acute giardiasis lasts how many days
1-3 weeks
shape like a teardrop, with one side pushed in to form a sucking disc
Giardia trophozoite
All of the other intestinal flagellates are found?
cecum and colon
Giardia spp invades the?
small intestine
usually form infective cyst before passing out with the feces
Giardia trophozoites
In dogs, diarrhea caused by giardia may begin as early as?
5 days
In cats, Giardia trophozoites are found in the?
jejunum and ileum
nutrition type of amoebae
More prevalent in warm climates, and in children
movement of amoebae
disease caused by Naegleria fowleri
amoebic meningoencephalitis or brain eating amoeba
Produce meningoencephalitis primarily in mice and monkey but man may also be affected if introduced intranasally
acanthamoeba culbertsoni
nonpathogenic amoeba hosted by humans
Entamoeba dispar, Entamoeba hartmanni, Entamoeba coli, Iodamoeba buetschlii, Endolimax nana
well recognized as a pathogenic amoeba, associated with intestinal and extra intestinal infections
E. histolytica
amebiasis is transmitted by ingestion of mature?
tetranucleate cyst
endemic disease of the tropics that occurs sporadically in the temperate regions
Entamoeba histolytica
risk groups include male homosexuals, travelers and recent immigrants
Produce chronic keratitis among contact lens users
acanthamoeba culbertsoni
principally a parasite of the large intestine and cause amoebic dysentery in humans
entamoeba histolytica
clinical manifestation of amebiasis
- Enteritis with persistent dysentery but may be
asymptomatic - Excessive mucus and blood appearing in the
feces - Defecation with straining
- General abdominal pain and discomfort
Excystation of E. histolytica occurs in
small intestines
after excystation of E. histolytica, it migrates to ____ to multiply by binary fission
large intestine (colon)
Extraintestinal disease of e. histolytica affects
liver, lungs, brain