Babesia and Theileria Flashcards
first pathogenic protozoan shown to be transmitted by an arthropod vector
Babesia bigemina
Parasite of the RBC transmitted
by ticks
2 merozoites appearance
tetrad merozoites appearance
Three species cause tick fever in cattle
B. bovis (B. argentina), B. bigemina, and B. divergens
infect humans from rodents in N. america
B. microti
infect humans from cattle in europe
B. divergens
mode of transmission of babesia in biological vectors
Blood sucking flies that may serve as
mechanical vectors of babesia
Stomoxys and Tabanus
Parasites cause extensive intravascular
haemolysis (erythrocyte rupture) producing progressive signs of anaemia
red discolouration of the urine, ‘red water’ in bovine babesiosis is a result of?
Jaundice and haemoglobinuria
This may occurs if RBC clumping and sludging occurs in the brain capillaries
Hyperexcitability and incoordination
Other names of bovine babesiosis
- Red Water disease
- Texas Fever
- Tick-borne fever
- Bovine piroplasmosis
- Cattle babesiosis
Why is there an inverse age resistance in babesiosis?
- Passive immunity within 3 mos. after birth
- Calves at 4 to 9 months have innate resistance to babesiosis
Etiological agent for East Coast
fever of African cattle
theileria parva