Introduction Flashcards
type of nucleus with vegetative function
nucleus for reproduction
nucleus chromatin evenly distributed (homogenous) and present in ciliates
chromatin concentrated in a single mass (endosome or nucleolus)
carries organs of locomotion (prolongations
of the ectoplasm)
regulates osmotic pressure & eliminates waste material
contractile vacuole
collect dehydrated proteins
golgi bodies
outer part (homogenous and hyaline appearance)
Functions of ectoplasm
- Movement
- Food ingestion
- Excretion
- Respiration
- Protection
has role for nutrition since it contain food vacuoles, granular and pigmented
Modes of movement
- Cilia
- Pseudopodia
- Flagella
- Gliding
fine, short, flagella like structures present in trichomonas and balantidium
a false feet present in entamoeba
whiplike filamentous structure from a basal granule in the ectoplasm present in trypanosomes
Flagellate species
mastigophora species
Gliding movement is usually in these protozoa
Toxoplasma, Sarcocystis, Eimeria
Types of Nutrition
- Holophytic
- Holozoic
- Saprozoic
- Autotrophic
Describe the nutrition of protozoa
Incapable of utilizing inorganic material; gets
food from predigested material from the
intestinal tract, blood or lymphatics
uses micropyle (micropore) to ingest fluids/solids
process of ingesting tissues of host through a temporary opening in the body wall
pseudopodia or a cytostome are used to ingest food material from plants or animals and passed to a food vacuole
absorb nutrients by diffusion and directly used by the organism; stored food seen inside glycogen granules
proteins, COH & lipids are synthesized from them
Which protozoa ingest tissues of host through temporary opening
Entamoeba, Balantidium
Nutritional type of parasitic protozoa
holozoic or saprozoic
Ways of Excretion
- Osmotic pressure
- Diffusion
- Precipitation
survive under low oxygen tension since free oxygen is seldom available in the intestine of host
facultative or obligate anaerobes
takes free molecular oxygen in and expels carbon dioxide
aerobic respiration
Sexual mechanism
- conjugation
- syngamy
Asexual mechanisms
a) Binary fission
b) Multiple fission (schizogony)
c) External budding
d) Internal budding or endopolygeny
e) Sporogony
macronuclei degenerate while the micronuclei divide and pass nuclear materials into each other
conjugation (ciliata)
micronuclei divide and pass nuclear materials into each other forming a
2 gametes of different sexes fuse to form a zygote which divides by multiple fission to form sporozoites
gamonts in pairs
binary fission division for ciliates are along
transverse axis
Protozoa which during asexual reproduction nucleus divides first then the cytoplasm
Nucleus divides several times before cytoplasm does
multiple fission (schizogony)
In multiple fission, dividing form is known as _____, and daughter forms are ______
schizont; merozoites
Protozoa with schizogony reproduction
Coccidia, Plasmodium
asexual reproduction wherein 2 or many daughter forms which is unequal size of fragment of the nucleus and cytoplasm
external budding
simplified form of endopolygeny
New progenies are formed within the parent
cell and then break off, destroying it
internal budding or endopolygeny
Internal budding protozoa
Toxoplasma and Sarcocystis
follows syngamy, sporozoites are formed
within the walls of the cyst
General Effects of Protozoa Infection
- Absorb nutrients e.g. Trypanosomes
- Interfere with normal metabolism by food
absorption e.g. Giardia - Produce toxin e.g. Sarcocystin
- Destroys tissue e.g. Coccidia
- Destroy blood cells and hemopoetic organs
e.g. Babesia
3 subphyla of Sarcomastigophora
- Subphylum Mastigophora
- Subphylum Sarcodina
- Subphylum Opalinata
Sarcomastigophora reproduction is asexually, but when sexually it is essentially by _____
which phylum produces spores with no locomotory organ
Phylum Apicomplexa
Apical complex of Phylum Apicomplex is made up of ……
polar rings, rhoptries, micronemes, conoid and
subpellicular microtubules
sexual reproduction of phylum apicomplex
Phylum which is parasitic in nature
Apicomplex species
- Monocystis
- Gregarina
- Plasmodium
- Babesia
- Perkinsus
Phylum which produce spores with polar filament
Phylum microspora
Examples of Microspora
Nosema, burkea, hessea, candospora
with amoeboid germinal elements in multicellular spores; trophozoites are multicellular
Phylum Myxozoa
Most of the species are free living, quite a number are commensal, some truly parasitic and a large number are found as symphorionts on variety of hosts
Phylum Ciliophora
Asexual production of Ciliophora
- Transverse binary fission
- Budding
- Multiple fission
Sexual reproduction of Ciliophora
- Conjugation
- Autogamy
- Cytogamy
another term for flagellate of protozoa which differentiate it from flagellum of bacteria