Apicomplexa (Eimeria, Isospora) Flashcards
2 classes of Subphylum apicomplexa
conoidasida, aconoidasida
2 sporozoites having conoids
Gregarines, coccidians
2 sporozoites lacking conoids
Plasmodia, Piroplasms
truncated cone of spirally arranged fibrillar structures with role in invasion of hosts
What are the three parasites under Class Aconoidasida
Babesia, Theileria, Plasmodium
Families of Order Coccidia
Eimeriidae, Cryptosporiidae, Sarcocystiidae, Klossiellidae, Heatozoidae, Lankesterellidae
Families of Order Haemospororida
Family Plasmodiidae
Families of Order Piroplasmorida
Babesiidae, Theileriidae
What is the functional unit of coccidian ontogeny
sausage shaped cells which is the infective stage
undergo merogonic development inside the enterocytes
3 phases of Eimeria life cycle
Merogony, Gametogony, Sporogony
released outside the enterocytes to invade other enterocytes or develop into gametes
once sporozoites invade the epithelial cell of intestines, they become rounded and become
it represents the beginning and end point of every coccidian life cycle
trophozoite will then divide into a number of elongated nucleated merozoites, collectively known as?
sporulation takes how many days and in what temperate conditions
1 to days, 21 to 32 degree celcius
During sporogony, after the division of nucleus the protoplasm forms these bodies that surrounds each nucleus budding off from the central core
conical bodies
nucleus and conical body together forms
Coccidian oocysts are resistant to some disinfectants but killed by
freezing, high environmental temperatures
affects young animals associated with gastrointestinal disturbances which may vary from catarrhal to hemorrhagic diarrhea to no manifestation at all
It affects terminal ileum, cecum, and colon of young cattle with permanent stuntedness in animals that survived severe illness
Bovine coccidiosis
etiologic agent of Equine coccidiosis which affects small intestine of horse and donke
Eimeria leuckarti
It occurs to mainly newborn piglets aged 3-21 days with persistent yellow white diarrhea but rarely bloody. Affected parts are jejunum and ileum
Pig coccidiosis (Eimeria spp., Isospora suis)
serve as intermediate hosts to important coccidia
Carnivores (non-pathogenic to dogs and cats)
Coccidia found in the liver and bile duct of rabbit
Eimeria stiedai
Coccidiosis etiologic agents affecting the duodenum of chickens
E. acervulina, E. praecox, E. hagani, E. mivati
Etiologic agent of coccidiosis of chickens affecting the mid-intestine
E. necatrix
Etiologic agent of coccidiosis of chickens affecting the jejunum and ileum
E. maxima
Eimeria brunette causes coccidiosis in chickens particularly affecting?
lower SI, ceca, cloaca
E. tenella affects?
the most pathogenic coccidiosis in chickens found in ceca
Eimeria tenella
disease associated with cheesy necrotic core
cecal coccidiosis
highly pathogenic, produce white spots in the intestinal wall and marked hemorrhage and ballooned mid intestine
Eimeria necatrix
produce thickened intestine with pink mucoid exudate and coagulation necrosis with mucosal sloughing
Eimeria maxima
affects upper small intestine producing typical striation and mucosal thickening
Eimeria acervulina
produces characteristics of ladder lesions
Eimeria acervulina
coccidia most pathogenic to Bobwhite quail
Eimeria lettyae
coccidia most pathogenic to chickens
Eimeria necatrix, E. tenella
coccidia pathogenuc in pheasants
E. phasiani, E. colchici
generic name of Isospora which utilize paratenic hosts
Isospora may or may not have ____ in their sporocysts
Stieda body
they can complete their entire life cycle in a single host
Extra-intestinal stages of Isospora affects?
spleen, liver, lymph nodes
Isospora species affecting Camels
Cystipora orlovi
Isospora species affecting dogs
I. canis
I. ohioensis
I. burrowsi
I. neorivolta
isospora species affecting cats
I. felis
I. rivolta
prevalent in neonatal pigs causing watery or greasy diarrhea (yellowish to white foul smelling feces)
Isospora infection
lesions present of Isospora infection
villus atrophy, blunting of villi, focal ulceration, fibrinonecrotic enteritis
sporulated oocysts may survive for long periods, depending on environmental factors
affects young animals while the older ones serves only as carriers
coccidiosis in mammals
associated with GIT disturbances which may vary from catarrhal to hemorrhagic diarrhea to no manifestation at all
coccidiosis in mammals
Affects terminal ileum, cecum, and colon of young cattle
bovine coccidiosis
affects small intestines of horse and donkey
equine coccidiosis
Pig coccidiosis affects what part of organ in swine
jejunum, ileum
etiologic agents of pig coccidiosis
Eimeria spp. and Isospora suis
Lesion of pig coccidiosis
persistent yellow white diarrhea for 4-6 days, rarely bloody
Exposure to minor amount of sporulated
oocysts produce strong but not absolute
cecal coccidiosis
Oocysts occur in cecum but
no associated gross lesions
Eimeria necatrix
there is marked hemorrhage and ballooned mid-intestine
Eimeria necatrix
Affected intestine thickened with pink mucoid exudate, coagulation necrosis with mucosal sloughing
Eimeria maxima
have the largest oocysts of Isospora
Signs of Isospora infection in Pigs
watery or greasy diarrhea (yellow to white foul smelling feces