General Flashcards
What is the definitive host for Besnoitia species?
animals which can act as intermediate hosts for Besnoitia sp.
Horses, ruminants, rodents, and lizards
predilection site for Besnoitia sp. in the intermediate host
Connective tissue of skin
How many sporocysts and sporozoites are contained in a cyst of Besnoitia sp.?
2 sporocysts, each with 4 sporozoites
In which regions is besnoitiosis endemic?
Tropical and sub-tropical regions
Which Besnoitia species causes a serious dermatitis in horses and burros?
Besnoitia bennetti
What is a notable symptom of besnoitiosis in horses?
Lichenification of the muzzle
Which species of Klosiella is a parasite of the renal epithelium of the horse?
Klosiella equi
Which species of Klosiella is found in the renal epithelium of mice?
K. muris
What condition was reported by Anderson et al. (1988) in an older, immune-compromised pony infected with Klosiella equi?
Tubular necrosis and nonsuppurative interstitial nephritis
How is Mouse Parenteral Coccidia transmitted?
Ingestion of sporulated oocysts passed in urine
What is the definitive host for Hammondia sp.?
In which tissues do Hammondia sp. cysts occur in intermediate hosts?
Skeletal muscles and brain
What kind of life cycle does Hammondia sp. have?
Two-host obligatory life cycle
Which statement about Hammondia sp. is true?
a) Tachyzoites from mouse tissues are infectious to cats
b) Only bradyzoites from mouse tissues are infectious to cats
c) Sporulated oocysts from dog feces are infectious to rats
d) Tachyzoites are the infectious stage for rats
Only bradyzoites from mouse tissues are infectious to cats
In which parts of the body does Giardia spp. lodge?
Which animals are commonly infected by Giardia spp.?
Man, pig, monkeys
What is the usual clinical presentation of giardiosis or lambliosis?
usually symptomless
How many cysts are needed to produce a disease condition in giardiosis?
10 cysts
Which age group of animals is more susceptible to Giardia infections?
young animals
Which Giardia assemblages are mainly found in humans?
Assemblages A and B
Which Giardia assemblages are primarily found in dogs?
C and D
Which Giardia assemblage is typically found in hoofed stock such as cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and horses?
Which Giardia assemblage consists of the forms found in cats?
What is the shape of Giardia trophozoites?
tear drop
How many nuclei are present within a Giardia trophozoite?
How do Giardia trophozoites attach to mucosal cells?
ventral sucking disk
Which form of Giardia is responsible for transmission of giardiasis?
Life cycle characteristics of Sarcocystis
a. Sexual development on DH
b. Fully sporulated cysts and sporocyts on host’s feces
c. No development in external environment
In infective stage of Sarcocystis sp. define development of the organism and in which organ of the DH
Sporogony in intestinal mucosae with sporocyts production
2 types of sarcocytis sp. infection produced by sarcocyst in the IH
a. Intestinal sarcocytosis
b. Muscle sarcocytosis
Associated with the release of 2nd way of merozoites
a. Sarcosporidiosis in Pigs
Etiologic agent of neurological disease of Equine Protozoal Encephalomyelitis
Sarcocystic neuorona
Final host of Sarcocystis cruzi
How to diagnose sarcocystis infection
a. Finding sarcocysts in muscle tissues
b. Finding spores in ground muscles
c. Finding sporocyts/sporulated oocyts in the feces of carnivores
A heteroxynous parasite with its predilection site is CT of the skin
Besnoitia sp.
Cutaneous form in horses and burros characterized by widespread, serious dermatitis in tropical and subtropical countries
Besnoitiosis in horses
Etiologic agent of Besnoitiosis in horses
Besnoitia bennetti
Oval or elliptical parasite render the cell elongated and bizarre in appearance as the parasite grows
first pathogenic protozoan (1893) shown to be transmitted by an arthropod vector
babesia bigemina
parasite of the RBC transmitted by ticks
most common rickettsial species involved in ehrlichiosis in dogs
ehrlichia canis
Susceptibility increases with age and recovered animals are carriers for life
May be transmitted by use of contaminated surgical instruments
Sporadic but rapidly and uniformly fatal disease of domestic cats in the south central US
Cytauxzoon felis
One of the most important bovine hemotropic diseases in the tropics and subtropics
aMaltese cross type intraerythrocytic organism
parasites cause extensive intravascular haemolysis (erythrocyte rupture) producing progressive signs of anaemia
What is the importance of animal reservoirs in the transmission of Giardia to humans?
They occasionally contribute to human infections
What can trigger encystation of Giardia trophozoites?
moving toward the colon
What stage of Giardia is most commonly found in nondiarrheal feces?
In which part of the intestine do Giardia trophozoites primarily reside?
small intestine