Saponin glycosides Flashcards
Form colloidal solutions in water that foam upon SHAKING (FROTH TEST)
Saponin glycosides
They have bitter, acrid taste and drugs containing them are usually sternutatory and otherwise irritating to the mucous membrane
Saponin glycosides
Destroy red blood cells by hemolysis and are toxic especially to cold- blooded animals
Saponin glycosides
The aglycones, usually prepared by acid- catalyzed hydrolysis, usually termed as
form readily crystallizable compounds upon Acetylization
Two chemical classes of saponin
Steroid, Triterpenoid saponins
the most important plant steroids for the partial
synthesis of steroid hormones
Diosgenin and botogenin
Steroid is from the genus
Hecogenin, manogenin and gitogenin from species of
Sarsasapogenin and smilagenin from the genus
have large number of carbon atoms ( C27 to C 30) making them lipophilic
Triterpenoid saponins
poisonous saponins
saponins have been used experimentally to enhance the absorption of __
From Greek origin means sweet root
GLYCYRRHIZA also called
means smooth, refers to the smooth , pod- like fruit of this species.
Just read
USES: gycyrrhiza
- Demulcent and expectorant properties
- Flavoring agent and mask the taste of bitter drugs such as aloe, ammonium chloride, quinine
- Surfactant
- Licorice is added to chewing gums, chocolate candy, cigarettes
- Added to beer to increase foaminess
- Imparts bitter taste when added to root beer, stout and porter
saponinlike glycoside
• 50 times as sweet as sugar
Glycyrrhizin (Glycyrrhizic acid)
- pentacyclic triterpene derivative of the ß- amyrin type
- Use as anti- inflammatory agent
Glycyrrhetic acid
- Prepared by extracting coarsely ground licorice root with warm water, rendering the extractive alkaline with ammonium hydroxide, concentrating, and bringing it to final volume with alcohol and water.
- It is a pharmaceutic aid
Glycyrrhiza fluidextract
Prepared from glycyrrhiza and is a black pillular mass having a characteristic sweet taste
Licorice root extract
Licorice root extract uses
- Used in the treatment of peptic ulcer and Addison’s disease
- Ingredient in aromatic cascara sagrada fluidextract
is a popular name for several species of Discorea and is sometimes incorrectly applied to certain varieties of certain potato
represents rich sources of principles used as cortisone precursors
Mexican yam
are obtained from the root of Discorea spiculifora , a
cultivated species
Botogenin and diosgenin
considered as the best source of steroids.
Mexican yam derived from D. floribunda
the root of perennial herbs Panax quinquefolius Linne. (American Ginseng) and Panax ginseng (Fam. Araliaceae)
Three categories of ginseng
- one of the major saponins found in ginseng
* an example of a glycoside with a steroidal triterpene aglycone, ( 20S) –protopanaxatriol
Ginsenoside Rg1
Contains a complex mixture of triterpenoid saponins that can be either steroidal triterpenes or pentacyclic related tooleanoic acid
Widely available in “ health- food” outlets