Other organosulfur drug Flashcards
Garlic is consist of the bulb of
Allium sativum Linne
Occurs in garlic in a concentration of up to __ of fresh weight
Has potent antibacterial activity, responsible for the characteristic odor and flavor of garlic
Allicin (diallyl thiosulfonate)
A glycoside obtained from several species of Salix and Populus
Principal source of salicin
Salix purpurea
and S. fragilis
a glycoside that is also associated with salicin in the barks of Salicaceae
Populin ( benzoylsalicin)
Use of salicin
Anti- rheumatic agent
a drug that has an aldehyde aglycone as its chief constituent
the aglycone developed during the curing of vanilla beans
the aglycone developed during the curing of vanilla beans
methylprotocathechuic aldehyde
Green vanilla 2 glycosides are
glucovanillin (avenein), glucovanillic alcohol
Vanilla in the form of vanilla tincture is used as
flavoring agent and as pharmaceutic aid
- Best grade on the market
* The pods frequently attain a length of 30- 35 cm
Mexican or Vera cruz vanilla
resembles the Mexican variety but it is about two thirds as long, blacker in color, usually covered with a sublimate of needle shape shape vanillin crystals and possess a coumarin like odor
Bourbon vanilla
- is a reddish brown in color and about as long as the Mexican variety but sharply attenuated and twisted in lower portion
- the odor is somewhat unpleasant and the variety is less suitable for flavoring
Tahiti vanilla
- represent the more mature fruits in which dehiscence has taken place
- they cut into short lengths
Vanilla splits or cuts
Is a 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde or methylprocatechuic aldehyde
glycoside present in the cambium sap of pine trees
phenol present in clove oil
a by-product of the bulb industry
a synthetic analog of vanillin is also used as flavoring agent
Ethyl vanillin
found in uva ursi, chimaphila and other ericaceous drugs yields hydroquinone and glucose upon hydrolysis
Component of uva ursi
The flavonol glycosides and their aglycones are generally termed
have been called the Vitamin P or the Permeability
Rutin and hesperidin
Claims have also been advanced for the value of citrus flavonoids in treating symptoms of the __.
common cold